在 std::set<boost::uuids::uuid> 的析构函数中,我在 _int_free 中遇到了分段错误(核心转储)。为什么?

我正在使用boost::shared_ptr来处理我的类指针。在我的班级里,有一个 std:set<boost::uuids::uuid> 型的成员.我只在初始代码中设置了一次此成员值。我仔细检查没有缓冲区溢出。我已经运行了 valgrind 进行检查,并且没有内存错误报告。

但是,在我的类析构函数中,我在 _int_free 中得到了一个核心转储。这是它的调用堆栈:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x0098c02e in _int_free () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x048ec552 in operator delete(void*) () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
#2  0x08056372 in std::_Rb_tree<boost::uuids::uuid, boost::uuids::uuid, std::_Identity<boost::uuids::uuid>, std::less<boost::uuids::uuid>, std::allocator<boost::uuids::uuid> >::_M_erase(std::_Rb_tree_node<boost::uuids::uuid>*) ()
#3  0x08056367 in std::_Rb_tree<boost::uuids::uuid, boost::uuids::uuid, std::_Identity<boost::uuids::uuid>, std::less<boost::uuids::uuid>, std::allocator<boost::uuids::uuid> >::_M_erase(std::_Rb_tree_node<boost::uuids::uuid>*) ()
#4  0x08056367 in std::_Rb_tree<boost::uuids::uuid, boost::uuids::uuid, std::_Identity<boost::uuids::uuid>, std::less<boost::uuids::uuid>, std::allocator<boost::uuids::uuid> >::_M_erase(std::_Rb_tree_node<boost::uuids::uuid>*) ()
#5  0x08056367 in std::_Rb_tree<boost::uuids::uuid, boost::uuids::uuid, std::_Identity<boost::uuids::uuid>, std::less<boost::uuids::uuid>, std::allocator<boost::uuids::uuid> >::_M_erase(std::_Rb_tree_node<boost::uuids::uuid>*) ()
#6  0x001ceb8c in vsdk::radius::CRadiusAttribute::~CRadiusAttribute() () from ./libRadiusHandler.so
#7  0x001d5a33 in vsdk::radius::CRadiusMsg::~CRadiusMsg() () from ./libRadiusHandler.so
#8  0x001d3509 in boost::detail::sp_counted_impl_pd<vsdk::radius::CRadiusClientReq*, vsdk::radius::CRadiusClientReq::Deleter>::dispose() () from ./libRadiusHandler.so
#9  0x08055d48 in boost::detail::shared_count::~shared_count() ()
#10 0x001d1eff in vsdk::radius::CRadiusClientHandler::handleRecv(ACE_INET_Addr const&, ACE_INET_Addr const&, ACE_Message_Block&, bool&) () from ./libRadiusHandler.so
#11 0x001e27ba in vsdk::radius::CUdpMsg::run() () from ./libRadiusHandler.so
#12 0x001c8a9c in vsdk::radius::CHandlerMgr::svc() () from ./libRadiusHandler.so
#13 0x00d55172 in ACE_Task_Base::svc_run (args=0x96f24d8) at Task.cpp:271
#14 0x00d56798 in ACE_Thread_Adapter::invoke_i (this=0x9737168) at Thread_Adapter.cpp:161
#15 0x00d56835 in ACE_Thread_Adapter::invoke (this=0x9737168) at Thread_Adapter.cpp:96
#16 0x00cefa31 in ace_thread_adapter (args=0x9737168) at Base_Thread_Adapter.cpp:122
#17 0x00aeba49 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#18 0x009fbaee in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6



class CRadiusClientReq
    CRadiusMsg      m_radiusMsg;            ///<    radius msg
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CRadiusClientReq >     CSpCRadiusClientReq;
class CRadiusMsg
    static const uint32_t  MAX_ATTR_NUM = 23;
    CRadiusAttribute                                m_attributes[MAX_ATTR_NUM];
class CRadiusAttribute
    EAttributeType                  m_type;
    uint32_t                        m_uint32;
    uint8_t                         m_array[CHAP_PASSWORD_LEN];
    std::string                     m_string;
    std::set< boost::uuids::uuid >  m_resSet;   // seems core dump in free this member
class CRadiusRequestRspWaitMgr
    bool queryRequest( const uint8_t id, CSpCRadiusClientReq & spRadiusClientReq )
        // lock 
        boost::mutex::scoped_lock  l( m_mutex );
        RadiusRequestRspWaitMap::iterator   itr = m_requestRspWaitMap.find( id );
        if ( m_requestRspWaitMap.end() == itr )
            // not found
            return false;
        spRadiusClientReq = itr->second;
        if ( !spRadiusClientReq )
            return false;
        return true;
    bool delRequest( const uint8_t id )
        boost::mutex::scoped_lock  l( m_mutex );
        RadiusRequestRspWaitMap::iterator   itr = m_requestRspWaitMap.find( id );
        if ( m_requestRspWaitMap.end() == itr )
            // not found
            return false;
        // erase it
        m_requestRspWaitMap.erase( itr );
        return true;
    typedef std::map< uint8_t, CSpCRadiusClientReq>  RadiusRequestRspWaitMap;
    RadiusRequestRspWaitMap         m_requestRspWaitMap;    // requests which is waiting response.
    boost::mutex                    m_mutex;                //
class CRadiusClientHandler
    CRadiusRequestRspWaitMgr   m_authReqRspWaitMgr; ///< auth rsp wait manager
    CRadiusRequestRspWaitMgr   m_acctReqRspWaitMgr; ///< acct rsp wait manager
void CRadiusClientHandler::handleRecv( const ACE_INET_Addr& localAddr, const ACE_INET_Addr& peer, ACE_Message_Block& msg, bool &bReuse )
    // set reuse this message block
    bReuse = true;
    uint8_t     *buf = (uint8_t*)msg.rd_ptr();
    uint32_t    len = msg.length();
    if ( len < 20 )
    // read code and id.
    uint8_t     code = buf[0];
    uint8_t     id = buf[1];
    CRadiusRequestRspWaitMgr    *rspWaitMgr = 0;
    if ( D_PACKET_ACCESS_ACCEPT == code
        || D_PACKET_ACCESS_REJECT == code )
        // auth response
        if ( localAddr.get_port_number() != m_srcAuthPort )
            // not auth port
        // set rspWaitMgr
        rspWaitMgr = &m_authReqRspWaitMgr;
    else if ( D_PACKET_ACCOUNTING_RESPONSE == code )
        // acct response
        if ( localAddr.get_port_number() != m_srcAcctPort )
            // not acct port
        // set rspWaitMgr
        rspWaitMgr = &m_acctReqRspWaitMgr;
        // error type msg
    // find a match request in waiting response queue
    CSpCRadiusClientReq     spClientReq;
    if ( !rspWaitMgr->queryRequest( id, spClientReq )
        || !spClientReq )
    // some handle process code here, omitted.
    // delete request in waiting response queue
    rspWaitMgr->delRequest( id );
int32_t CUdpMsg::run()
    if ( !m_udpMsgNotify )
        return -1;
    bool    bReuse = true;
    m_udpMsgNotify->handleRecv( m_localAddr, m_srcAddr, *m_aceMb, bReuse );
    if ( bReuse )
        delete m_aceMb;
        m_aceMb = 0;
    return 0;
// send request
bool CRadiusClientHandler::sendNonLoginAuthReq(const std::string & userName
                                , const uint8_t chapId
                                , const boost::array<uint8_t,16> & chapChallenge
                                , const boost::array<uint8_t,16> & pwdCaculated
                                , const boost::array<uint8_t,16> & uid
                                , const uint32_t authority
                                , const std::set<boost::uuids::uuid> & resIds
                                , uint8_t & authId
                                , EClientHandlerError & result)
    CSpCRadiusClientReq spRadiusClientReq( new CRadiusClientReq() );
    if ( !spRadiusClientReq )
        return false;
    CRadiusMsg &radiusMsg = spRadiusClientReq->getRadiusMsg();
    // set the boost
    if ( !radiusMsg.setResList( resIds ) )
        return false;

    // some other unimportant codes, include generate reqId, omitted.
    uint8_t     reqId = 0;

    // add to rspWaitMgr
    if ( !m_authReqRspWaitMgr.addRequest( reqId, spRadiusClientReq ) )
        return false;
    // some other unimportant codes, include message sending,  omitted.

    // return reqId
    authId = reqId;
    return true;

CRadiusClientHandler::handleRecv处理收到的 udp 数据包。它找到rspWaitMgr spClientReq的匹配请求,该请求是等待响应的所有请求的池。







   0x0098bff8 <+152>:   shr    $0x3,%edi
   0x0098bffb <+155>:   mov    %ecx,%eax
   0x0098bffd <+157>:   sub    $0x2,%edi
   0x0098c000 <+160>:   mov    0x8(%eax,%edi,4),%edx
   0x0098c004 <+164>:   lea    0x8(%ecx,%edi,4),%ecx
   0x0098c008 <+168>:   mov    %edi,-0x10(%ebp)
   0x0098c00b <+171>:   cmp    %edx,%esi
   0x0098c00d <+173>:   je     0x98c514 <_int_free+1460>
   0x0098c013 <+179>:   mov    $0xffffffff,%edi
   0x0098c018 <+184>:   jmp    0x98c02a <_int_free+202>
   0x0098c01a <+186>:   nopw   0x0(%eax,%eax,1)
   0x0098c020 <+192>:   cmp    %eax,%esi
   0x0098c022 <+194>:   mov    %eax,%edx
   0x0098c024 <+196>:   je     0x98c514 <_int_free+1460>
   0x0098c02a <+202>:   test   %edx,%edx
   0x0098c02c <+204>:   je     0x98c037 <_int_free+215>
=> 0x0098c02e <+206>:   mov    0x4(%edx),%edi
   0x0098c031 <+209>:   shr    $0x3,%edi
   0x0098c034 <+212>:   sub    $0x2,%edi
   0x0098c037 <+215>:   mov    %edx,0x8(%esi)
   0x0098c03a <+218>:   mov    %edx,%eax
   0x0098c03c <+220>:   cmpl   $0x0,%gs:0xc
   0x0098c044 <+228>:   je     0x98c047 <_int_free+231>
   0x0098c046 <+230>:   lock cmpxchg %esi,(%ecx)
   0x0098c04a <+234>:   cmp    %eax,%edx
   0x0098c04c <+236>:   jne    0x98c020 <_int_free+192>
   0x0098c04e <+238>:   test   %edx,%edx
   0x0098c050 <+240>:   je     0x98c05b <_int_free+251>
   0x0098c052 <+242>:   cmp    -0x10(%ebp),%edi
   0x0098c055 <+245>:   jne    0x98c5a9 <_int_free+1609>


    unsigned int idx = fastbin_index(size);
    fb = &fastbin (av, idx);
    mchunkptr fd;
    mchunkptr old = *fb;
    unsigned int old_idx = ~0u;
        /* Another simple check: make sure the top of the bin is not the
           record we are going to add (i.e., double free).  */
        if (__builtin_expect (old == p, 0))
            errstr = "double free or corruption (fasttop)";
            goto errout;
        if (old != NULL)
          old_idx = fastbin_index(chunksize(old));   **-------- maybe core dump here**
        p->fd = fd = old;
    while ((old = catomic_compare_and_exchange_val_rel (fb, p, fd)) != fd);
    if (fd != NULL && __builtin_expect (old_idx != idx, 0))
        errstr = "invalid fastbin entry (free)";
        goto errout;
    /* Another simple check: make sure the top of the bin is not the
       record we are going to add (i.e., double free).  */
    if (__builtin_expect (*fb == p, 0))
        errstr = "double free or corruption (fasttop)";
        goto errout;
    if (*fb != NULL
        && __builtin_expect (fastbin_index(chunksize(*fb)) != idx, 0))
        errstr = "invalid fastbin entry (free)";
        goto errout;
    p->fd = *fb;
    *fb = p;



(gdb) info register
eax            0xb5d00010       -1244659696
ecx            0xb5d00024       -1244659676
edx            0xb4304ce8       -1271903000
ebx            0xaabff4 11190260
esp            0xb6179a84       0xb6179a84
ebp            0xb6179ad8       0xb6179ad8
esi            0xb5d235e0       -1244514848
edi            0xffffffff       -1
eip            0x98c02e 0x98c02e <_int_free+206>
eflags         0x10286  [ PF SF IF RF ]
cs             0x73     115
ss             0x7b     123
ds             0x7b     123
es             0x7b     123
fs             0x0      0
gs             0x33     51
(gdb) x /8xw 0xb4304ce8
0xb4304ce8:     Cannot access memory at address 0xb4304ce8


%edi仍然是初始值0xFFFFFFFF,所以我认为这是第一次进入循环。根据mchunkptr old = *fb,也许%edx等于地址%ecx的内容。但是现在,%edx(old(是0xb4304ce8,地址%ecx(*fb(的内容是0xb5d5a958。他们是不同的。

(gdb) x /8xw 0xb5d00024
0xb5d00024:     0xb5d5a958      0xb5dc3088      0x00000000      0x00000000
0xb5d00034:     0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000      0xb45d9208

而且我注意到av flags是0x00000002,这意味着没有快速垃圾箱?

(gdb) x /8xw 0xb5d00010
0xb5d00010:     0x00000000      0x00000002      0x00000000      0xb5ddc848
0xb5d00020:     0xb5d5e4f8      0xb5d5a958      0xb5dc3088      0x00000000


  FASTCHUNKS_BIT held in max_fast indicates that there are probably
  some fastbin chunks. It is set true on entering a chunk into any
  fastbin, and cleared only in malloc_consolidate.
  The truth value is inverted so that have_fastchunks will be true
  upon startup (since statics are zero-filled), simplifying
  initialization checks.

所以我认为,在当前线程执行mchunkptr old = *fb;之后,其他一些线程触发malloc_consolidate来清理和合并 fastbin 中的块。


我对 glibc 的内存管理知之甚少,也许有人可以减轻我的怀疑。


[root@mdssdk log]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago)
[root@mdssdk log]# uname -a
Linux mdssdk 2.6.32-358.el6.i686 #1 SMP Tue Jan 29 11:48:01 EST 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
[root@mdssdk log]# 

最后,我下载了glibc最新版本2.24,并找到了真正的原因。这是一个错误,并在 glibc 2.19 中修复。


unsigned int idx = fastbin_index(size);
fb = &fastbin (av, idx);
/* Atomically link P to its fastbin: P->FD = *FB; *FB = P;  */
mchunkptr old = *fb, old2;
unsigned int old_idx = ~0u;
    /* Check that the top of the bin is not the record we are going to add
       (i.e., double free).  */
    if (__builtin_expect (old == p, 0))
        errstr = "double free or corruption (fasttop)";
        goto errout;
    **/* Check that size of fastbin chunk at the top is the same as
       size of the chunk that we are adding.  We can dereference OLD
       only if we have the lock, otherwise it might have already been
       deallocated.  See use of OLD_IDX below for the actual check.  */**
    if (have_lock && old != NULL)
      old_idx = fastbin_index(chunksize(old));
    p->fd = old2 = old;
while ((old = catomic_compare_and_exchange_val_rel (fb, p, old2)) != old2);
if (have_lock && old != NULL && __builtin_expect (old_idx != idx, 0))
    errstr = "invalid fastbin entry (free)";
    goto errout;


我已经找到了真正的原因。就像我怀疑的那样,_int_free中有一个错误。它在 glibc 2.19 中修复。



