
我使用evernote c#api。我了解过滤器的工作原理。

ENNoteStoreClient store = ENSessionAdvanced.SharedSession.PrimaryNoteStore;
            SyncState currentState = store.GetSyncState();
            int currentUpdateCount = currentState.UpdateCount;
            if (currentUpdateCount > latestUpdateCount)
                latestUpdateCount = currentUpdateCount;
                // Here synchronization code

我有最新的updatecount,以及如何获得序列号> =此号码的笔记?


List<SyncChunk> syncBlocks = new List<SyncChunk>();
int maxEntries = 250;
// These are sample filter settings; you should use what's appropriate for you based on
// what data you want returned in your note objects.
SyncChunkFilter filter = new SyncChunkFilter();
filter.IncludeNotes = true;
filter.IncludeNoteAttributes = true;
filter.IncludeNotebooks = true;
filter.IncludeTags = false;
filter.IncludeSearches = false;
filter.IncludeResources = false;
filter.IncludeLinkedNotebooks = false;
filter.IncludeExpunged = false;
filter.IncludeNoteApplicationDataFullMap = false;
filter.IncludeResourceApplicationDataFullMap = false;
filter.IncludeNoteResourceApplicationDataFullMap = false;
    SyncChunk chunk = store.getFilteredSyncChunk(currentUpdateCount, maxEntries, filter);
    if (chunk == null)
        return null;      // This can happen if there is a "503 - Service unavailable" error accessing this person's Evernote info
    currentUpdateCount = chunk.ChunkHighUSN;
} while (currentUpdateCount < serverSyncState.UpdateCount);
foreach (SyncChunk chunk in syncBlocks)
    if (chunk != null && chunk.Notes != null)
        foreach (Note chunkNote in chunk.Notes)
            // do something with the retrieved chunkNote object
