将用户输入存储在不从 0 开始的数组中

我的问题是,在下面的代码中,在选项 2 中,如果用户 Store = 1 并且项目详细信息用新详细信息覆盖项目[0]。我希望它存储在 item[7] 中,而不是覆盖当前信息。该项位于另一个类的构造函数方法中。请看我如何解决这个问题并改进我的代码。

//constructor class

public class Item {
private String itemName;
private int itemNumber;
private int itemQuantity;
private double itemPrice;
public Item() {
    itemName = " ";
    itemNumber = 0;
    itemQuantity = 0;
    itemPrice = 0.0;
public Item(String name, int itemNum, int itemQty, double itemP) {
    this.itemName = name;
    this.itemNumber = itemNum;
    this.itemQuantity = itemQty;
    this.itemPrice = itemP;
public void setItemName(String name) {
    this.itemName = name;
public void setItemNumber(int itemNum) {
    this.itemNumber = itemNum;
public void setItemQuantity(int itemQty) {
    this.itemQuantity = itemQty;
public void setItemPrice(double itemP) {
    this.itemPrice = itemP;
public String getName() {
    return this.itemName;
public int getItemNumber() {
    return this.itemNumber;
public int getItemQuantity() {
    return this.itemQuantity;
public double getItemPrice() {
    return this.itemPrice;
public void displayData() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
        System.out.println("Name: " + this.itemName + "ttItem number: " + this.itemNumber + "ttPrice: $" + this.itemPrice
                + "ttQuantity: " + this.itemQuantity);
public boolean is_the_same(Item itemNum) {
    boolean same = (itemName.equals(itemNum.itemName) && itemNumber == itemNum.itemNumber);
    return same;
} //end of constructor
import java.util.Scanner;
public class test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Item ItemArray[] = new Item[6];
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    String[] itemName = {"Eggs", "Chicken", "Coca-Cola", "Apple", "Water", "Chocolate"};
    int[] itemNumber = {1, 5, 11, 15, 12, 20};
    Double[] itemPrice = {0.2, 5.8, 1.4, 0.6, 1.0, 0.7};
    int[] itemQuantity = {60, 20, 12, 35, 80, 58};
    for (int x = 0; x < ItemArray.length; x++) {
        ItemArray[x] = new Item(itemName[x], itemNumber[x], itemQuantity[x], itemPrice[x]);
    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
        System.out.println("Choose one of the options[] below: n[1] Buy item. n[2] Add an item to store. n[3] List all items and their prices. n[4] Search for an item.");
        System.out.print("Enter Option: ");
        int Option = input.nextInt();
        if (Option < 1 || Option > 4) {
            System.out.println("nInvalid Option. Please enter option again.");
            System.out.println("Choose one of the options[] below: n[1] Buy item. n[2] Add an item to store. n[3] List all items and their prices. n[4] Search for an item.");
            System.out.print("Enter Option: ");
            Option = input.nextInt();
        if (Option == 2) {
            System.out.print("n--------------OPTION 2--------------");
            System.out.print("nHow many items to add to store: ");
            int Store = input.nextInt();
            for (int c = 0; c < Store; c++) {
                System.out.print("Name: ");
                System.out.print("Number: ");
                System.out.print("Price: $");
                System.out.print("Quantity: ");
            for (int c = 0; c < ItemArray.length; c++) {

如果要在特定索引处插入新元素,则使用 List 对象或其他集合将比使用数组基元更简单。



  1. 按照上面的同事所说,使用列表。最好在您的情况下使用 Set 来确保一个物品只能添加一次,然后您可以修改袋中现有物品的数量。
  2. 使用 while(true( 循环而不是 for 循环
  3. 添加一个对应于用户输入结束的选项,这将使您脱离 while(true( 循环。

如果您决定保留数组,则需要初始化足够大的数组并保留最后添加项的索引。同样,您需要 while(true( 与退出条件使此索引合理。


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