虽然循环在引发异常后仍在继续(Python 3)

>我有一个贯穿两个列表的 while 循环,当列表索引超出范围时,我希望它脱离 while 循环并结束。

cipher = string_toList(cipher)
plain  = string_toList(plain)
i = 0                     ## holds value for first two letter block                                             
j = 2                     ## holds value for next two letter block and is updated to find invertable matrix     
p1 = val(plain[i]); p2 = val(plain[i+1])
c1 = val(cipher[i]); c2 = val(cipher[i+1])
    while True:
        p3 = val(plain[j]); p4 = val(plain[j+1])
        c3 = val(cipher[j]); c4 = val(cipher[j+1])
        b = [p1, p2, p3, p4]
        c = [c1, c2, c3, c4]
        det = det_matrix(b)
        if gcd(det, 26) == 1:
        j += 2             ## incrimented by two in order to hold consistent blocks of letters                  
    print ("plaintext input is not sufficient enough to find key matrix") 

return b,c,det

相反,该程序在 except 之后打印出消息,然后不会在终端上关闭并继续 while 循环。我不知道我做错了什么,任何帮助都非常感谢。

当你抓住Except,并使用print处理它时,你并没有告诉程序退出。 您需要添加sys.exit()
