我正试图为程序集集合绘制依赖矩阵,包括在哪里使用了哪些依赖方法。基本的DLL依赖矩阵很容易,但我发现很难得到方法映射。我一直在使用的工具是jbevain methodbaserrocks .cs.
- 是否有正确的方法来加载引用的程序集?
- 我试过LoadFile, LoadFrom和ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom都有相同的结果。
- 我如何获得使用引用类型的方法的类型?
- 我可以绕过reflectiontypeloadeexceptions错误的答案从这里,但这些方法是确切的那些我想映射
namespace TestLibraryA
public class TestClassA
public int DoStuff(int a, int b)
return a + b;
using TestLibraryA;
namespace TestLibraryB
public class TestClassB
public int DoStuffAgain()
TestClassA obj = new TestClassA();
int ans = obj.DoStuff(3, 5);
return ans;
public TestClassA DoOtherStuff()
TestClassA result = new TestClassA();
return result;
public List<string> GetMethods()
List<string> result = new List<string> { };
Assembly dependencyAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile("TestLibraryA.dll");
Assembly targetAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile("TestLibaryB.dll");
Type[] types = targetAssembly.GetTypes();
// ReflectionTypeLoadExceptions thrown if a dependency type is used
// NB Not demo'ed in this example
foreach(var type in types)
foreach(var method in type.GetMethods())
// With the above DoStuffAgain() method is returned but DoOtherStuff() is not
var instructions = MethodBodyReader.GetInstructions(method);
// FileNotFoundException thrown saying TestLibraryA.dll not loaded
// the line throwing the error is
// MethodBodyReader(method)
// this.body = method.GetMethodBody();
foreach (var instruction in instructions)
MethodInfo methodInfo = instruction.Operand as MethodInfo;
if (methodInfo != null)
result.Add(methodInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + methodInfo.Name);
return result;
之前添加下面的代码AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve);
private static Assembly CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
if (args.Name == "TestLibaryA...")
return Assembly.LoadFrom("TestLibaryA's Path");
return null;