在解码的 URI 十六进制代码上使用 replace() 与本机除法运算符


var process = "6÷6";  // need to replace division sign with one that javascript can evaluate with
process = encodeURI(process);
process.replace(/%C3%B7/gi,'/'); // replacement step that doesn't work - %C3%B7 is what shows up as the hex divison sign in chrome debugger, not sure why
process = decodeURI(process);
result = eval(process);


var map = {"÷":"/"};
var operatorType = "÷";
var process = "6" + map[operatorType] + "6";  // need to replace division sign with one that javascript can evaluate with
process = encodeURI(process);
process.replace(/%C3%B7/gi,'/'); // replacement step that doesn't work - %C3%B7 is what shows up as the hex divison sign in chrome debugger, not sure why
process = decodeURI(process);
result = eval(process);
document.body.innerHTML = result;


process = process.replace(/%C3%B7/gi,'/');


var process = "6÷6";  // need to replace division sign with one that javascript can evaluate with
process = encodeURI(process);
process = process.replace(/%C3%B7/gi,'/'); // replacement step now works
process = decodeURI(process);
result = eval(process);

