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                <div class="post-date">January 6, 2016</div>
                <section class="post-content">
                <h2><a href="#">Septimus Heap Book One: Magyk</a></h2>
                    <img src="http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSefEemDZe2rlGwqBTPEtZHr1pn54ve_q0eumcdUWQXvsEHd-D9" alt="Book cover for Septimus Heap 1">
                <p>If you enjoy stories about seventh sons of seventh sons and magyk this is the book for you. <a href="#">Read More...</a></p>
                <div class="post-date">Dec 20, 2015</div>
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                <h2><a href="#">Magnus Chase Book One: Sword of Summer</a></h2>
                    <img src="https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/xWuyBAAAQBAJ?fife=w300" alt="Book cover for Magnus Chase 1">
                <p>The anticipated new novel by Rick Riordan. After Greek mythology (Percy Jackson), Greek/Roman (Heroes of Olympus), and Egyptian (Kane Chronicles), Rick decides to try his hand with Norse Mythology, and the end result is good. <a href="#">Read More...</a></p>

