
简介 - 此问题已于2018年5月27日更新:

i有1 PHP 多维阵列,包含6个子阵列,每个阵列包含20个子阵列,而每个阵列又包含2个子阵列(标题),另一个是未指定的关键字(关键字)。

我希望将120个子阵列中的每一个与剩余5个子阵列中包含的其他100个子阵列进行比较。因此,将 sub-sub-array 1 in sub-array 1 sub-array进行了比较 1 to to and-income sub-array 20 in sub-arreay 2 to ancign sub-array 6 等等。

如果足够关键字在两个子阵列中被认为是相同的,并且 headers 也是两者都使用Levenshtein距离,将合并子式阵列。



// Variable deciding maximum Levenshtein distance between two words. Can be changed to lower / increase threshhold for whether two keywords are deemed identical.
$lev_point_value = 3;
// Variable deciding minimum amount of identical (passed the $lev_point_value variable) keywords needed to merge arrays. Can be changed to lower / increase threshhold for how many keywords two arrays must have in common to be merged.
$merge_tag_value = 4;
// Variable deciding minimum Levenshtein distance between two headers needed to merge arrays. Can be changed to lower / increase threshhold for whether two titles are deemed identical.
$merge_head_value = 22;
// Array1 - A story about a monkey, includes at header and keywords.
$array1 = array (
        "header" => "This is a story about a monkey.",
        'keywords' => array( "Trees", "Monkey", "Flying", "Drink", "Vacation", "Coconut", "Big", "Bonobo", "Climbing"
// Array1 - Another, but slightly different story about a monkey, includes at header and keywords.
$array2 = array (
        "header" => "This is another, but different story, about a monkey.",
        'keywords' => array( "Monkey", "Big", "Trees", "Bonobo", "Fun", "Dance", "Cow", "Coconuts"
// Function comparing keywords between two arrays. Uses levenshtein distance lesser than $lev_point_value. Each pass increases $merged_tag, which is then returned.
function sim_tag_index($array1, $array2, $lev_point_value) {
    $merged_tag = 0;
    foreach ($array1['keywords'] as $item1){
        foreach ($array2["keywords"] as $item2){
            if (levenshtein($item1, $item2) <= $lev_point_value) {
    return $merged_tag;
// Function comparing headers between two arrays using levenshtein distance, which is then returned as $merged_head.
function sim_header_index($array1, $array2) {
    $merged_head = (levenshtein($array1['header'], $array2['header']));
    return $merged_head;
// Function running sim_tag_index against $merge_tag_value, if it passes, then running sim_tag_index against $merge_head_value, if this passes aswell, merge arrays.
function merge_on_sim($array1, $array2, $merge_tag_value, $merge_head_value, $lev_point_value) {
    $group = array();
    if (sim_tag_index($array1, $array2, $lev_point_value) >= $merge_tag_value) {
        if (sim_header_index($array1, $array2) >= $merge_head_value) {
            $group = (array_unique(array_merge($array1["keywords"],$array2["keywords"])));
    return $group;
// Printing function merge_on_sim.
print_r (merge_on_sim($array1, $array2, $merge_tag_value, $merge_head_value, $lev_point_value));




$array = array (
    // Sub-array 1
    array (
        // Story 'Monkey 1' - Has identical sub-sub-arrays 'Monkey 2' and 'Monkey 3' and will be merged with them.
        array (
            "header" => "This is a story about a monkey.",
            'keywords' => array( "Trees", "Monkey", "Flying", "Drink", "Vacation", "Coconut", "Big", "Bonobo", "Climbing")
        // Story 'Cat 1' - Has identical sub-sub-array 'Cat 2' and will be merged with it.
        array (
            "header" => "Here's a catarific story about a cat",
            'keywords' => array( "meauw", "raaaw", "kitty", "growup", "Fun", "claws", "fish", "salmon")
    // Sub-array 2
    array ( 
        // Story 'Monkey 2' - Has identical sub-sub-arrays 'Monkey 1' and 'Monkey 3' and will be merged with them.
        array (
            "header" => "This is another, but different story, about a monkey.",
            'keywords' => array( "Monkey", "Big", "Trees", "Bonobo", "Fun", "Dance", "Cow", "Coconuts")
        // Story 'Cat 2' - Has identical sub-sub-array 'Cat 1' and will be merged with it.
        array (
            "header" => "Here's a different story about a cat",
            'keywords' => array( "meauwe", "ball", "cat", "kitten", "claws", "sleep", "fish", "purr")
    // Sub-array 3
    array ( 
        // Story 'Monkey 3' - Has identical sub-sub-arrays 'Monkey 1' and 'Monkey 2' and will be merged with them.
        array (
            "header" => "This is a third story about a monkey.",
            'keywords' => array( "Jungle", "tree", "monkey", "Bonobo", "Fun", "Dance", "climbing", "Coconut", "pretty")
        // Story 'Fireman 1' - Has no identical sub-sub-arrays and will not be merged.
        array (
            "header" => "This is a story about a fireman",
            'keywords' => array( "fire", "explosion", "burning", "rescue", "happy", "help", "water", "car")


$array = array (
    // Story 'Monkey 1', 'Monkey 2' and 'Monkey 3' merged.
    array (
        "header" => array( "This is a story about a monkey.", "This is another, but different story, about a monkey.", "This is a third story about a monkey."),
        'keywords' => array( "Trees", "Monkey", "Flying", "Drink", "Vacation", "Coconut", "Big", "Bonobo", "Climbing", "Fun", "Dance", "Cow", "Coconuts", "Jungle", "tree", "pretty")
    // Story 'Cat 1' and 'Cat 2' merged.
    array (
        "header" => array( "Here's a catarific story about a cat", "Here's a different story about a cat"),
        'keywords' => array( "meauw", "raaaw", "kitty", "growup", "Fun", "claws", "fish", "salmon", "ball", "cat", "kitten", "sleep", "fish", "purr")



//flatten array to make it simpler
$new =[];
foreach($array as $subarr){
    $new = array_merge($new, $subarr);
$threshold = 2;
foreach($new as $key => $story){
    // create regex pattern to find similar items
    $words = "/" . implode("|", $story["keywords"]) . "/i";
    foreach($new as $key2 => $story2){
        // only loop new items and items that has not been merged already
        if($key != $key2 && $key2 > $key && !in_array($key2, $merged)){
            // If the count of words from preg_grep is above threshold it's mergable
            if(count(preg_grep($words, $story2["keywords"])) > $threshold){
                // debug
                //echo $key . " " . $key2 . "n";
                //echo $story["header"] . " = " . $story2["header"] ."nn";
                // if the item does not exist create it first to remove notices
                if(!isset($res[$key])) $res[$key] = ["header" => [], "keywords" =>[]];
                // add headers
                $res[$key]["header"][] = $story["header"];
                $res[$key]["header"][] = $story2["header"];
                // only keep unique 
                $res[$key]["header"] = array_unique($res[$key]["header"]);
                // add keywords and remove duplicates
                $res[$key]["keywords"] = array_merge($res[$key]["keywords"], $story["keywords"], $story2["keywords"]);
                $res[$key]["keywords"] = array_unique($res[$key]["keywords"]);
                // add key2 to merged so that we don't merge this again.
                $merged[] = $key2;



  • 没有找到相关文章
