


要在EMU8086中获得一个随机数(系统调用),您可以使用int 1Ah/ah = 0H:

时间 - 获取系统时间

AH = 00h
CX:DX = number of clock ticks since midnight
AL = midnight flag, nonzero if midnight passed since time last read


org 100h
include emu8086.inc                                                       
xor ax,ax            ; xor register to itself same as zeroing register
int 1ah              ; Int 1ah/ah=0 get timer ticks since midnight in CX:DX
mov ax,dx            ; Use lower 16 bits (in DX) for random value
xor dx,dx            ; Compute randval(DX) mod 10 to get num
mov bx,10            ;     between 0 and 9
div bx               ; Divide dx:ax by bx
inc dx               ; DX = modulo from division
                     ;     Add 1 to give us # between 1 and 10 (not 0 to 9)
mov ax,dx            ; Move to AX to print     
call PRINT_NUM_UNS   ; Print value in AX as unsigned
DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS ; Needed to support EMU8086 PRINT_NUM_UNS function 

每次运行此程序时,都应在1到10之间打印一个数字。从时钟滴答中获取随机值后,我们将其转换为1到10之间的数字。该代码与此伪代码相似 1

unsigned char num = (get_rand_value() % 10) + 1

我们除以10并使用modulo(Modulo值将在0到9之间),并添加1以使其值在1到10之间。get_rand_value实际上是INT 1AH/AH = 0系统调用。


可以在不发布 int 指令的情况下执行此操作,但是我们仍在通过对中断处理程序的代码进行间接调用来使用中断向量表。我怀疑这是您提出问题是否可以完成而不会中断时的想法。引擎盖下的An int 指令按下当前标志寄存器(使用 pushf ),然后是等效的。控制在0x0000处转移到远处的地址:[Interrupt_num * 4]中断矢量表(IVT)中。当中断例程完成时,它将发布IRET指令,该指令撤消推动,恢复标志并在远处呼叫后返回指令。修订的代码看起来像:

org 100h
include emu8086.inc                                                       
xor ax,ax            ; xor register to itself same as zeroing register
mov es,ax            ; Zero the ES register for use with FAR JMP below so that we
                     ;     can make a FAR CALL relative to bottom of Interrupt Vector Table
                     ;     in low memory (0x0000 to 0x03FF)
; Do a system call without the INT instruction
; This is advanced assembly and relies on the
; understanding of how INT/IRETD work. We fake a 
; system call by pushing FLAGS and rather 
; than use int 1ah we do a FAR CALL indirectly 
; through the interrupt vector table in lower memory
pushf                ; Push FLAGS
call far es:[1ah*4]  ; Indirectly call Int 1ah/ah=0 through far pointer in IVT
                     ;     get timer ticks since midnight in CX:DX
mov ax,dx            ; Use lower 16 bits (in DX) for random value
xor dx,dx            ; Compute randval(DX) mod 10 to get num
mov bx,10            ;     between 0 and 9
div bx
inc dx               ; DX = modulo from division
                     ;     Add 1 to give us # between 1 and 10 (not 0 to 9)
mov ax,dx            ; Move to AX to print
call PRINT_NUM_UNS   ; Print value in AX as unsigned
DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS ; Macro from include file to make PRINT_NUM_UNS usable

相关问题?可能的问题。简单的lcg prng



计时器分辨率为每秒18.2倍。这不是一个很高的分辨率,很可能会拨打 int 1Ah/ah = 0 一个接一个地将导致返回相同的号码,或者第二个呼叫具有更高的价值的机会首先。可以通过创建PRNG(如简单的LCG)来解决这一问题,然后使用一次计时器值将其播种。对于每个值,您需要 - 您查询下一个值而不是系统时间的PRNG。


org 100h
include emu8086.inc
    call srandsystime   ; Seed PRNG with system time, call once only 
    call rand           ; Get a random number in AX
    call rand2num1to10  ; Convert AX to num between 1 and 10
    call PRINT_NUM_UNS  ; Print value in AX as unsigned
    PRINT ", "          ; Print delimiter between numbers
    call rand           ; Get another random number in AX
    call rand2num1to10  ; Convert AX to num between 1 and 10
    call PRINT_NUM_UNS  ; Print value in AX as unsigned
; Return number between 1 and 10
; Inputs:   AX = value to convert
; Return:   (AX) value between 1 and 10
    push dx
    push bx
    xor dx,dx           ; Compute randval(DX) mod 10 to get num
    mov bx,10           ;     between 0 and 9
    div bx
    inc dx              ; DX = modulo from division
                        ;     Add 1 to give us # between 1 and 10 (not 0 to 9)
    mov ax,dx
    pop bx
    pop dx
; Set LCG PRNG seed to system timer ticks
; Inputs:   AX = seed
; Modifies: AX 
; Return:   nothing 
    push cx
    push dx
    xor ax, ax          ; Int 1Ah/AH=0 to get system timer in CX:DX 
    int 1ah
    mov [seed], dx      ; seed = 16-bit value from DX
    pop dx
    pop cx
; Updates seed for next iteration
;     seed = (multiplier * seed + increment) mod 65536
;     multiplier = 25173, increment = 13849
; Inputs: none
; Return: (AX) random value
    push dx
    mov ax, 25173       ; LCG Multiplier
    mul word ptr [seed] ; DX:AX = LCG multiplier * seed
    add ax, 13849       ; Add LCG increment value
    mov [seed], ax      ; Update seed
    ; AX = (multiplier * seed + increment) mod 65536
    pop dx
seed dw 11             ; Default initial seed of 11    
    DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS; Macro from include file to make PRINT_NUM_UNS usable    


  • 1 lowerupper(包含)范围内获取一个随机数您可以使用此通用公式:

    rndvalue =(rand()%(上低器 1)) 下;

  • 缺陷:将随机值从prng转换为1至10之间的数字仍然患有模型偏置。

  • i通常使用WATCOM的注册召集约定(第12页的描述)通常在开发16位组件例程时。可以根据自己的需求来量身定制。

  • 此特定的LCG PRNG在模式重复之前的周期约为65536。对于大多数简单的任务,这应该足够。

标准PC系统的配置为PIT通道0 fire每秒18.2次。每次发射时,都会发生中断,BIOS计算自系统启动以来发生的次数,并将此数字存储在地址0040:006c处的BIOS数据区域。您可以将此值用作程序的"随机"种子值:

mov ax,0040h
mov es,ax       ; load segment for BIOS data area
mov ax,es:006ch ; load number of IRQ8 since boot into ax


