WooCommerce 折扣百分比文本"Division By Zero"错误


这是错误消息: Warning: Division by zero in这使得百分比文本如下所示:Save: -$18 (-INF%)


$saving_percentage = round( 100 - ( $sale_price / $regular_price * 100 ), 1 ) . '%';


add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html', 'display_sale_price_and_percentage_html', 10, 2 );
function display_sale_price_and_percentage_html( $price, $product ) {
    // sale products on frontend excluding variable products
    if( $product->is_on_sale() && ! is_admin() && ! $product->is_type('variable')) {
    // product prices
    $regular_price = (float) $product->get_regular_price(); // Regular price
    $sale_price = (float) $product->get_price();
    // price calculation and formatting
    $saving_price = wc_price( $regular_price - $sale_price );
    // percentage calculation and formatting
    $precision = 1; // decimals
    $saving_percentage = round( 100 - ( $sale_price / $regular_price * 100 ), 1 ) . '%';
    // display the formatted html price including amount and precentage using a span tag which means displaying it on the same row, if you want this on a new row, change the tag into a paragraph
    $price .= sprintf( __('<span class="saved-sale"> Save: %s <em>(%s)</em></span>', 'woocommerce' ), $saving_price, $saving_percentage );
return $price;




这是因为分组产品没有$regular_price。您应该添加一些条件来检查$sale_price$regular_price是否不为零。您还可以检查您是否不在分组产品上,但检查 0 还可以防止在有免费产品的任何地方被零除错误。

add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html', 'display_sale_price_and_percentage_html', 10, 2 );
function display_sale_price_and_percentage_html( $price, $product ) {
    // sale products on frontend excluding variable products
    if( $product->is_on_sale() && ! is_admin() && ! $product->is_type('variable')) {
        // product prices
        $regular_price = (float) $product->get_regular_price();
        $sale_price = (float) $product->get_price();
        if( $regular_price > 0 && $sale_price > 0 ) {
            // price calculation and formatting
            $saving_price = wc_price( $regular_price - $sale_price );
            // percentage calculation and formatting
            $precision = 1; // decimals
            $saving_percentage = round( 100 - ( $sale_price / $regular_price * 100 ), 1 ) . '%';
            // display the formatted html price including amount and precentage using a span tag which means displaying it on the same row, if you want this on a new row, change the tag into a paragraph
            $price .= sprintf( __('<span class="saved-sale"> Save: %s <em>(%s)</em></span>', 'your-textdomain' ), $saving_price, $saving_percentage );
    return $price;
