

-- 我还没有在网上找到"排名"功能。我的教授告诉我们,函数"rank"可以输出列表中一个元素的位置。



  1. 函数"排名"如何?
  2. 表达式"reconstruct:: [Int]->IntTree"是否正确?我不确定。
main :: IO ()    -- This says that main is an IO action.
main = return () -- This tells main to do nothing
data IntTree = Empty | Branch IntTree Int IntTree deriving (Show, Eq)
reconstruct :: [Int]->IntTree
--  Pattern matching 
reconstruct (x:xs) y = Branch (reconstruct take((rank x y) xs) take ((rank x y) y)) x x (reconstruct drop ((rank x y)+1 xs) drop ((rank x y)+1 y)) 


import Data.List

main :: IO ()    -- This says that main is an IO action.
main = return () -- This tells main to do nothing
data IntTree = Empty | Branch IntTree Int IntTree deriving (Show, Eq)
--Two lists are given, one sorted by preorder, the other sorted by inorder. 
-- And the two lists are from the same binary tree. With the two lists the binary tree is reconstructed.
reconstruct :: [Int]->[Int]->IntTree
--  Pattern matching 
reconstruct [] [] = Empty
reconstruct (x:xs) y = Branch (reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p)) x (reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))
    where p = span (x/=) y 
reconstruct _ _ = error "incomplete pattern"


E:HaskellUebungsblatt_2_Aufgabe_1.hs:15:32: error:
    * Couldn't match expected type `[Int] -> IntTree'
                  with actual type `IntTree'
    * The function `reconstruct' is applied to three arguments,
      but its type `[Int] -> [Int] -> IntTree' has only two
      In the first argument of `Branch', namely
        `(reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p))'
      In the expression:
          (reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p))
          (reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))
15 | reconstruct (x:xs) y = Branch (reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p)) x (reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))
   |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
E:HaskellUebungsblatt_2_Aufgabe_1.hs:15:44: error:
    * Couldn't match expected type `[Int]'
                  with actual type `Int -> [a0] -> [a0]'
    * Probable cause: `take' is applied to too few arguments
      In the first argument of `reconstruct', namely `take'
      In the first argument of `Branch', namely
        `(reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p))'
      In the expression:
          (reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p))
          (reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))
15 | reconstruct (x:xs) y = Branch (reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p)) x (reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))
   |                                            ^^^^
E:HaskellUebungsblatt_2_Aufgabe_1.hs:15:50: error:
    * Couldn't match expected type `[Int] -> [Int]'
                  with actual type `Int'
    * The function `length' is applied to two arguments,
      but its type `[Int] -> Int' has only one
      In the second argument of `reconstruct', namely
        `(length (fst p) xs)'
      In the first argument of `Branch', namely
        `(reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p))'
15 | reconstruct (x:xs) y = Branch (reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p)) x (reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))
   |                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
E:HaskellUebungsblatt_2_Aufgabe_1.hs:15:81: error:
    * Couldn't match expected type `[Int] -> IntTree'
                  with actual type `IntTree'
    * The function `reconstruct' is applied to three arguments,
      but its type `[Int] -> [Int] -> IntTree' has only two
      In the third argument of `Branch', namely
        `(reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))'
      In the expression:
          (reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p))
          (reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))
15 | reconstruct (x:xs) y = Branch (reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p)) x (reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))
   |                                                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
E:HaskellUebungsblatt_2_Aufgabe_1.hs:15:93: error:
    * Couldn't match expected type `[Int]'
                  with actual type `Int -> [a1] -> [a1]'
    * Probable cause: `drop' is applied to too few arguments
      In the first argument of `reconstruct', namely `drop'
      In the third argument of `Branch', namely
        `(reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))'
      In the expression:
          (reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p))
          (reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))
15 | reconstruct (x:xs) y = Branch (reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p)) x (reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))
   |                                                                                             ^^^^
E:HaskellUebungsblatt_2_Aufgabe_1.hs:15:99: error:
    * Couldn't match expected type `[Int] -> [Int]'
                  with actual type `Int'
    * The function `length' is applied to two arguments,
      but its type `[Int] -> Int' has only one
      In the second argument of `reconstruct', namely
        `(length (fst p) xs)'
      In the third argument of `Branch', namely
        `(reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))'
15 | reconstruct (x:xs) y = Branch (reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p)) x (reconstruct drop (length (fst p) xs) (snd p))
   |                                                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[Finished in 0.5s]
reconstruct :: [Int] -> [Int] -> IntTree
reconstruct [] [] = Empty
reconstruct (x:xs) y = let (l,_:r) = span (x /=) y
                           (l',r') = splitAt (length l) xs
                       in Branch (reconstruct l' l) x (reconstruct r' r)
reconstruct _ _ = error "incomplete pattern"


函数"reconstruct"应用于三个参数,但其类型"[Int] -> [Int] -> IntTree"只有两个

(reconstruct take (length (fst p) xs) (fst p))

reconstruct 函数应用于 3 个参数,如错误消息中所述:take(length (fst p) xs)(fst p)

长度应用程序也有类似的错误:你向它传递 2 个参数。

也许你的意思是FUNCTION(ARGUMENT)作为单个参数传递给下一个函数。它不是这样工作的,它将被视为 2 个参数:FUNCTION(ARGUMENT) .相反,你应该使用 (FUNCTION ARGUMENT) ,或者如果参数很复杂,(FUNCTION (ARGUMENT))

此外,您不应将函数的参数与函数分开分组:take (length ... LIST) 。这被视为单参数(length ... LIST)。它们应与函数位于同一括号级别。


(reconstruct (take (length (fst p)) xs) (fst p))

