Scala 抽象类型成员 - 继承和类型边界

今天我在 Scala 中遇到了一些奇怪的情况,当我试图优化抽象类型成员上的类型边界时。

我有两个特征,它们定义类型成员的边界并将它们组合到一个具体的类中。这工作正常,但是当与特征组合匹配/铸造时,两个 TypeBounds 中只有一个是"活跃的",我很难理解为什么......


trait L
trait R
trait Left {
  type T <: L
  def get: T
trait Right {
  type T <: R


val concrete = new Left with Right {
  override type T = L with R
  override def get: T = new L with R {}


// works fine
val x1: L with R = concrete.get


// can only access as R, L with R won't work
val x2: R = concrete.asInstanceOf[Left with Right].get
// can only access as L, L with R won' work
val x3: L = concrete.asInstanceOf[Right with Left].get




trait L
trait R
trait Left {
  type T <: L
  def get: T
trait Right {
  type T <: R
object X {
  type LR = Left with Right // Right#T overrides Left#T, LR#T is now <: R
  type RL = Right with Left // Left#T overrides Right#T, LR#T is now <: L
  val concrete = new Left with Right {
    override type T = L with R
    override def get: T = new L with R {}
  // ok
  val r: R = concrete.asInstanceOf[LR].get
  val l: L = concrete.asInstanceOf[RL].get
  // ok
  implicitly[LR#T <:< R]
  implicitly[RL#T <:< L]
  // doesn't compile, LR#T is a subclass of R because Right#T overrides Left#T
  implicitly[LR#T <:< L]
  // doesn't compile, RL#T is a subclass of L because Left#T overrides Right#T
  implicitly[RL#T <:< R]

在"具体"中,你用 L with R 覆盖类型成员,但是当你把它转换为Left with Right时,你会失去这种细化,T 变成 _ <:L 或 _ <:R,具体取决于特征的顺序。

由于可以覆盖类型成员,因此如果向上转换(例如,向上转换为 LR 或 RL),则会丢失在混凝土中应用的细化。你可以说具体同时是 RL 和 LR,但是当你把它转换为 LR 或 RL 时,你会丢失你在另一个中拥有的信息


  trait L
  trait R
  trait Base {
    type T
    def get: T
  trait Nil extends Base{
    type T = Any
  trait ~+~[X[_ <: Base] <: Base, Y[_ <: Base] <: Base] extends Base {
    type T = Y[X[Nil]]#T
  trait Left[B <: Base] extends Base {
    type T = B#T with L
  trait Right[B <: Base] extends Base {
    type T = B#T with R
  val concrete = new (Left ~+~ Right) {
    def get: T = new L with R {}
  val x1: L with R = concrete.get
  val x2: R = concrete.asInstanceOf[Left ~+~ Right].get
  val x3: L = concrete.asInstanceOf[Right ~+~ Left].get

这段代码现在可以成功编译,但请注意,我们不能在新类型中合并组合类型的命名空间,因此所有已知方法都应该在 Base 中定义或通过类似于无形HList的机制在某个类型类中派生
