


在下面的示例中,使用了六个表,每个表中都有超过100000条记录。运算符介于ccm.cID=1001(ma.coID=2 and ma.cID=1001)之间。为了获取记录,优化器必须评估这两个条件

SELECT dep.*
FROM dep with (NOLOCK)
JOIN ma with (NOLOCK) ON dep.mID = ma.mID  
LEFT JOIN ccm with (NOLOCK) ON ccm.cID = dep.cID  
LEFT JOIN ctm with (NOLOCK) ON ctm.cID = dep.cID  
LEFT JOIN cptgm with (NOLOCK) ON cptgm.cID = dep.cID  
WHERE ma.mtID = 3
AND dep.del = 0 AND dep.pub = 1   
AND (ccm.cID = 1001 OR (ma.coID = 2 AND ma.cID = 1001))  
AND ctm.tID = 2  
AND cptgm.ptgID IN (SELECT ptgID FROM psptgm WHERE psID = 145214
AND ib = 1)





SELECT dep.*
FROM dep with (NOLOCK)
JOIN ma with (NOLOCK) ON dep.mID = ma.mID  
LEFT JOIN ccm with (NOLOCK) ON ccm.cID = dep.cID  
LEFT JOIN ctm with (NOLOCK) ON ctm.cID = dep.cID  
LEFT JOIN cptgm with (NOLOCK) ON cptgm.cID = dep.cID  
JOIN psptgm with (NOLOCK) ON cptgm.ptgID = psptgm.ptgID and psptgm.ib = 1 and psptgm.psID = 145214
WHERE ma.mtID = 3
  AND dep.del = 0 
  AND dep.pub = 1   
  AND (ccm.cID = 1001 OR (ma.coID = 2 AND ma.cID = 1001))  
  AND ctm.tID = 2


SELECT dep.*
FROM dep with (NOLOCK)
JOIN ma with (NOLOCK) ON dep.mID = ma.mID and  ma.mtID = 3
LEFT JOIN ccm with (NOLOCK) ON ccm.cID = dep.cID  
LEFT JOIN ctm with (NOLOCK) ON ctm.cID = dep.cID AND ctm.tID = 2
LEFT JOIN cptgm with (NOLOCK) ON cptgm.cID = dep.cID  
JOIN psptgm with (NOLOCK) ON cptgm.ptgID = psptgm.ptgID and psptgm.ib = 1 and psptgm.psID = 145214
WHERE dep.del = 0 
  AND dep.pub = 1   
  AND (ccm.cID = 1001 OR (ma.coID = 2 AND ma.cID = 1001))  



WITH prequery AS
  SELECT dep.*
  FROM dep with (NOLOCK)
  LEFT JOIN ctm with (NOLOCK) ON ctm.cID = dep.cID AND ctm.tID = 2
  LEFT JOIN cptgm with (NOLOCK) ON cptgm.cID = dep.cID  
  JOIN psptgm with (NOLOCK) ON cptgm.ptgID = psptgm.ptgID and psptgm.ib = 1 and psptgm.psID = 145214
  WHERE dep.del = 0 AND dep.pub = 1
SELECT dep.*
FROM prequery with (NOLOCK)
JOIN ma with (NOLOCK) ON dep.mID = ma.mID and  ma.mtID = 3
LEFT JOIN ccm with (NOLOCK) ON ccm.cID = dep.cID  
LEFT JOIN cptgm with (NOLOCK) ON cptgm.cID = dep.cID  
WHERE ISNULL(ccm.cID,0) = 1001 OR (ma.coID = 2 AND ma.cID = 1001)  
