使用Cygwin Windows安装C Umfpack错误


我尝试使用makemake -f Makefile命令进行编译,但是出现了以下错误:

$ make -f Makefile
( cd Lib    ; C:/cygwin64/bin/make )
make[1]: Entering directory 'E:/SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Lib'
cc    -O3 -fexceptions -fPIC -DNCHOLMOD  -I../Include -I../Source -I../../AMD/Include -I../../SuiteSparse_config -I../../CHOLMOD/Include -DDINT -c ../Source/umf_analyze.c -o umf_i_analyze.o
GNUmakefile:104: recipe for target 'umf_i_analyze.o' failed
process_begin: CreateProcess(C:cygwin64bincc, cc -O3 -fexceptions -fPIC -DNCHOLMOD -I../Include -I../Source -I../../AMD/Include -I../../SuiteSparse_config -I../../CHOLMOD/Include -DDINT -c ../Source/umf_analyze.c -o umf_i_analyze.o, ...) failed.
make (e=5): Access is denied.
make[1]: *** [umf_i_analyze.o] Error 5
make[1]: Leaving directory 'E:/SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Lib'
Makefile:15: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2




To compile, test, and install both UMFPACK and AMD, the UMFPACK and AMD
directories must be in the same parent directory.  To configure, edit the
SuiteSparse_config/SuiteSparse_config.mk file (otherwise, you may get
warnings that the BLAS (dgemm, etc) are not found).  You may use
UMFPACK_CONFIG = -DNBLAS in the SuiteSparse_config/SuiteSparse_config.mk
file, to avoid using the BLAS, but UMFPACK will be slow.  Next, cd to this
directory (UMFPACK) and type "make".  To compile and run a FORTRAN demo
program for Harwell/Boeing matrices, type "make hb".  To compile a FORTRAN
main program that calls the 32-bit C-callable UMFPACK library, type "make
fortran".  When done, type "make clean" to remove unused *.o files (keeps
the compiled libraries and demo programs).  See the User Guide
(Doc/UserGuide.pdf), or ../SuiteSparse_config/SuiteSparse_config.mk for
more details (including options for compiling in 64-bit mode).


