Excel,VB - 字符操作和日期改革内部数组




对于" 54天"之类的条目,以下代码只能将字符带到空间的左侧,然后检查它们是否为数字。如果是,它会保留它们,如果不是它们,那就倒空数组元素。实际上,什么都没发生,我仍然在数组元素中有完整的条目?

ElseIf delType = "String" And Len(del(i, 1)) < 10 And InStrRev(del(i, 1), " ") Then 'Takes the number from entries like 2194 Days or 23 DPD
    del(i, 1) = Left(del(i, 1), Len(del(i, 1)) - InStrRev(del(i, 1), " "))
    If IsNumeric(del(i, 1)) = False Then 'If the characters to the left of the space are not numbers, discard
        del(i, 1) = Empty
        del(i, 1) = Format((CLng(Range("E" & i + 1).Value) - Abs(del(i, 1))), "mm/dd/yy") 'Pull order date and subtract days from it for delinquency date
    End If


9月。25、20 (没有年,没有一年!删除。)
n/a (垃圾!删除。)
长时间Ag (Moron认为这是一个好主意,删除。)
6月30日,200 (显然,该字段只能容纳12个字符,删除。)
94 DPD (某人的dpd在我相信的几天中持续了几天。与上面相同。)
2008-7-15 12 (不确定是什么其他数字,在空间和转换之前将所有字符取。)
12282009 (使用左右嵌套,并与中/in in之间。)
9202011 (添加领先零,然后与上述相同。)
92410 (添加领先零,这将转换为09/24/10)
41261 (自1899年3月31日以来,这将转换为12/08/12)
1023 (自从犯罪以来,从订单日期减去以获取拖欠日期。)
452 (与上述相同。)
12 (与上述相同。)
1432.84 (货币价值,由低IQ Lackey误输入。删除。)


'Perform housekeeping on delinquency date
Selection.NumberFormat = "0"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
    True, Transpose:=False
Dim del()
ReDim del(1 To importwsRowCount, 1 To 1)
del = Range("AH1:AH" & importwsRowCount).Value
Dim delChars As Long
Dim delType As String
For i = LBound(del, 1) To UBound(del, 1)
    delChars = Len(del(i, 1)) 'Determine length of entry
    If IsNumeric(del(i, 1)) = True Then 'Determine datatype of entry
        delType = "Numeric"
        delType = "String"
    End If
    If InStr(del(i, 1), ".") Then 'Removes monetary entries like 142.84
        del(i, 1) = Empty
    ElseIf InStr(del(i, 1), "*") Then 'Removes ***INVALID*** entries
        del(i, 1) = Empty
    ElseIf delChars = 12 Then 'Removes all entries that extend beyond the 12 character limit of the field and get cut off
        del(i, 1) = Empty
    ElseIf delType = "String" And Len(del(i, 1)) < 10 And InStrRev(del(i, 1), " ") Then 'Takes the number from entries like 2194 Days or 23 DPD
        del(i, 1) = Left(del(i, 1), Len(del(i, 1)) - InStrRev(del(i, 1), " "))
        If IsNumeric(del(i, 1)) = False Then 'If the characters to the left of the space are not numbers, discard
            del(i, 1) = Empty
            del(i, 1) = Format((CLng(Range("E" & i + 1).Value) - Abs(del(i, 1))), "mm/dd/yy") 'Pull order date and subtract days from it for delinquency date
        End If
    ElseIf delType = "Numeric" And Len(del(i, 1)) = 5 Then
        If del(i, 1) > CLng(Date) Then 'Value is greater than todays date, improperly formated date that needs character manipulation and / added
            del(i, 1) = Format(del(i, 1), "000000") 'Add leading zero
            del(i, 1) = DateSerial(Right(del(i, 1), 2), Left(del(i, 1), 2), Right(Left(del(i, 1), 2), 4)) 'Grab year, then month, then day for serialize
            del(i, 1) = Format(del(i, 1), "mm/dd/yy") 'Properly formated date that just needs format conversion
        End If
    ElseIf delType = "Numeric" And (delChars = 7 Or delChars = 8) Then
        If delChars = 7 Then
            del(i, 1) = Format(del(i, 1), "00000000") 'Add leading zero
        End If
        del(i, 1) = DateSerial(Right(del(i, 1), 4), Left(del(i, 1), 2), Right(Left(del(i, 1), 2), 6)) 'Grab year, then month, then day for serialize
    ElseIf delType = "Numeric" And delChars < 5 Then
        del(i, 1) = Format((CLng(Range("E" & i + 1)) - Abs(del(i, 1))), "mm/dd/yy")
    End If
Next i
Set delRange = Range("AJ1:AJ" & importwsRowCount)
iWS.names.Add Name:="dRange", RefersTo:=delRange
Range("dRange").Value = del 'Write array to worksheet

" 54天"包含7个字符,因此Len("54 Days")是7

空间字符出现在位置3,InStrRev("54 Days", " ")返回3

所以,我们有Left("54 Days", 7 - 3)产生"54 D",显然不是数字

也许尝试Left(del(i, 1), InStrRev(del(i, 1), " ") - 1)而不是
