








<form action="PPPaymentForm/PPPaymentForm.php"  method="post" name="topchoiceform" id="topchoiceform">
    <input placeholder="Company Name" type="text" name="companyname" required>
    <input placeholder="First Name" type="text" name="firstname" required>
    <input placeholder="Last Name" type="text" name="lastname" required>
    <input placeholder="Email" type="email" name="email" required>
    <input placeholder="Address" type="text" name="address" required>
    <input name="shipping" class="shipping" type="checkbox" id="shipping" value="19.99"/>
    <label class="shippingcheck">19.99(Optional Shipping, will be added to total if choosen)</label>
    <button name="submit" type="submit">Pay Now</button>
    <input type="hidden" name="hdwtablename" id="hdwtablename" value="1">
    <input type="hidden" name="hdwppproductname" id="hdwppproductname" value="Bronze Plan 325">
    <input type="hidden" name="hdwppamount" id="hdwppamount" value="325">
    <input type="hidden" name="hdwppcurrency" id="hdwppcurrency" value="USD">
    <input type="hidden" name="hdwpplanguage" id="hdwpplanguage" value="en_US">
    <input type="hidden" name="hdwok" id="hdwok" value="">
    <input type="hidden" name="hdwemail" id="hdwemail" value="something+gmail.com">
    <input type="hidden" name="hdwnook" id="hdwnook" value="http://">
    <input type="hidden" name="hdwactivation_email" id="hdwactivation_email" value="email">
    <input type="hidden" name="plan" id="plan" value="$325">
    <input type="hidden" name="shippingchoosen" id="shippingchoosen" value="">
    <input type="hidden" name="shippingnumber" id="shippingnumber" value="">

嘿,马斯卡连特感谢您的回复。我使用的是hotdreamweaver脚本中的一个名为paypal payment form的脚本



$connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or die ("Cannot connect");
mysql_select_db("database") or die("Cannot select database");

  /*SECTION 2*/
     * Checks form field for shipping number, then where shipping has email, send email to recipient     
     $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table");
     $shippingnumber = $_POST['shippingnumber'];
     $email = $_POST['email'];

     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if(mysqli_num_rows($result) >0)
    $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
    $shippingnumber = $row['shippingnumber'];

       $to = $_POST['email'];
       $first = $_POST['firstname'];
       $last = $_POST['lastname'];
       $subject = "Product has been shipped";
       $subject .= $last; 
       $subject .= ', ';
       $subject .= $first;
       $subject .= ')';
       $message .= 'Company Name: ' . $_POST['companyname'];
       $message = 'First Name: ' . $_POST['firstname'] . "rnrn";
       $message .= 'Last Name: ' . $_POST['lastname'] . "rnrn";
       $message .= 'Address Line 1: ' . $_POST['address'] . "rnrn";
       $message .= 'Email: ' . $_POST['email'] . "rnrn";

       $headers = "From: myownemail@gmail.comrn";
       $headers .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8';

$email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
if ($email) {
    $headers .= "rnReply-To: $email";
$success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

     * Checks if the shipping number exists and look for email in that row which belongs to that shipping number to send email out.

    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM topchoiceform WHERE shippingnumber = '$shippingnumber' AND '$shippingnumber' MATCHES $email";

$result = mysql_query($sql)or die('Could not find member: ' . mysql_error());
    if(mysqli_num_rows($result) >0){
        $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
        if($shippingnumber = $row['shippingnumber']){
             echo "It exists";
        echo "No matching shipping number found upon sql call";
$connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or die ("Cannot connect");
mysql_select_db("database") or die("Cannot select database");

  /*SECTION 2*/
     * Checks form field for shipping number, then where shipping has email, send email to recipient     
     $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table");
     //$shippingnumber = $_POST['shippingnumber']; dont assign this value yet
     //$email = $_POST['email']; assign this after you check to see if $_POST is set
    //You can do this two proven ways....one is to get 1 result with the proper query. The other to loop through the records in the database to check for the number.
     //here it loops through all the records
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         $shippingnumber = $row['shippingnumber'];
         $email = $_POST['email'];
        if(mysqli_num_rows($result) >0){
            while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
            // This will return multiple rows
            if($row['shippingnumber'] == $shippingnumber){
                //record containing the shipping number is found.
                $array[] = $row;
       $to = $array['email']; // email = the name of the column in your database. 
       $first = $_POST['firstname'];
       $last = $_POST['lastname'];
       $subject = "Product has been shipped";
       $subject .= $last; 
       $subject .= ', ';
       $subject .= $first;
       $subject .= ')';
       $message .= 'Company Name: ' . $_POST['companyname'];
       $message = 'First Name: ' . $_POST['firstname'] . "rnrn";
       $message .= 'Last Name: ' . $_POST['lastname'] . "rnrn";
       $message .= 'Address Line 1: ' . $_POST['address'] . "rnrn";
       $message .= 'Email: ' . $_POST['email'] . "rnrn";
       $headers = "From: myownemail@yourdomain.comrn"; 
       ////email on your domain. NOT SURE if you even need an email...
       ////but headers are touchy, Usually web based applications can only operate WITHIN its own DOMAIN
       $headers .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8';

$email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
if ($email) {
    $headers .= "rnReply-To: $email";
$success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

    //NOTE: This is basically what we did in part 1 without sending anything except were finding the shipping number exactly as it is in the databse and pulling the whole record(all columns)
     * Checks if the shipping number exists and look for email in that row which belongs to that shipping number to send email out.

    //this isnt going to work,
    //$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM topchoiceform WHERE shippingnumber = '$shippingnumber' AND '$shippingnumber' MATCHES $email";
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM topchoiceform WHERE shippingnumber = '$shippingnumber'"; 
//select one record where the shipping number matches
//now you dont need to loop this time
//$result = mysql_query($sql)or die('Could not find member: ' . mysql_error());
    if(mysqli_num_rows($result) >0){ //if this is > 0 than the shippingnumber exists
        $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
        if($shippingnumber == $row['shippingnumber']){
             //echo "It exists";
             $email = $row['email']; 
             $firstname = $row['firstname'];
             $lastname = $row['lastname'];
             //ect...remember the names inside $row['name'] is the same thing in your database
             //enter code to send mail
        echo "No matching shipping number found upon sql call";
