设置和重置系统变量-AutoCAD LISP



我的PLINE命令启动后,变量将重置。我需要PLINE开始,完成和然后 变量重置。

我尝试在LISP中的命令中以及通过(setvar (getvar ...))命令中设置Orthomode和SnapMode。

(defun varget ()
    (setq lis '("orthomode" "snapmode"))
    (setq var (mapcar 'getvar lis))
    (setq var1 '(1 1))
    (setq no 0)
    (repeat (length lis)
        (setvar (nth no lis) (nth no var1))
        (setq no (1+ no))
(defun varset ()
    (setq no 0)
    (repeat (length lis)
        (setvar (nth no lis) (nth no var))
        (setq no (1+ no))
(defun C:wire ()
(setq prevlayer (getvar "clayer"))
(setq P (getstring "Audio(A)/Video(V)/Comm(CO)/Coax(R)/Control(C)/(N)etwork/(P)ower:"))
(IF (= P "V")(command "-LAYER" "M" "VIDEO" "C" "150" "" "" "PLINE" PAUSE))
(IF (= P "A")(command "-LAYER" "M" "AUDIO" "C" "94" "" "" "PLINE" PAUSE))
(IF (= P "CO")(command "-LAYER" "M" "COMM" "C" "206" "" "" "PLINE" PAUSE))
(IF (= P "R")(command "-LAYER" "M" "COAX" "C" "44" "" "" "PLINE" PAUSE))
(IF (= P "C")(command "-LAYER" "M" "CONTROL" "C" "10" "" "" "PLINE" PAUSE))
(IF (= P "N")(command "-LAYER" "M" "NETWORK" "C" "210" "" "" "PLINE" PAUSE))
(IF (= P "P")(command "-LAYER" "M" "POWER" "C" "7" "" "" "PLINE" PAUSE))
(setvar "clayer" prevlayer)






;; Define function, declare local symbols
(defun c:wire ( / col lay opt val var )
    ;; System variables to be modified within the program
    (setq var '(clayer orthomode snapmode cmdecho)
    ;; Retrieve current sys var values
          val  (mapcar 'getvar var)                
    ) ;; end setq
    ;; Predefine the getkword options
    (initget "Audio Video COmm R Control Network Power")
    ;; Prompt the user for input, default to "Audio" on null input
    (setq opt (cond ((getkword "n[Audio/Video/COmm/Coax(R)/Control/Network/Power] <Audio>: ")) ("Audio")))
    ;; Define the layer & colour based on the option returned
        (   (= opt "Audio")   (setq lay "AUDIO"    col  94))
        (   (= opt "Video")   (setq lay "VIDEO"    col 150))
        (   (= opt "COmm")    (setq lay "COMM"     col 206))
        (   (= opt "R")       (setq lay "COAX"     col  44))
        (   (= opt "Control") (setq lay "CONTROL"  col  10))
        (   (= opt "Network") (setq lay "NETWORK"  col 210))
        (   (= opt "Power")   (setq lay "POWER"    col   7))
    ) ;; end cond
    ;; Suppress command-line output for the -LAYER command
    (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
    ;; Create & set the layer & layer colour
    (command "_.-layer" "_M" lay "_C" col "" "")
    ;; Set everything except the first sys var
    (mapcar 'setvar (cdr var) '(1 1 1))
    ;; Initiate the PLINE command
    (command "_.pline")
    ;; Continuously pause for user input
    (while (= 1 (logand 1 (getvar 'cmdactive))) (command "\"))
    ;; Reset system variables
    (mapcar 'setvar var val)
    ;; Suppress the value returned by the last evaluated expression
) ;; end defun


  • 始终声明您的本地变量,以避免与文档名称空间中相同命名的变量发生冲突。有关如何&amp;的更多信息,请参见我的教程。为什么这样做。

  • 使用getkword代替getstring来控制&amp;验证用户的输入。

  • 使用"\"代替pause符号,因为pause符号是一个未受保护的全局变量,并且很容易被无意中重新定义程序外部,从而导致程序中断。由于pause符号对"\"进行评估,您也可以使用字面的后斜线。

作为扩展名,您可能还需要考虑实现本地错误处理程序以处理程序时不可避免地按下 esc (在这种情况下,系统变量在这种情况下不会重置系统变量(。我在这里的教程中描述了如何执行此操作。


;; Define function, declare local symbols
(defun c:wire ( / *error* col lay opt val var )
    ;; Define local error handler
    (defun *error* ( msg )
        ;; Reset system variables
        (mapcar 'setvar var val)
        ;; Suppress the output of standard cancellation messages
        (if (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*"))
            ;; Print critical errors
            (princ (strcat "nError: " msg))
        ) ;; end if
        (princ) ;; Suppress the value returned by the last evaluated expression
    ) ;; end defun
    ;; System variables to be modified within the program
    (setq var '(clayer orthomode snapmode cmdecho)
    ;; Retrieve current sys var values
          val  (mapcar 'getvar var)                
    ) ;; end setq
    ;; Predefine the getkword options
    (initget "Audio Video COmm R Control Network Power")
    ;; Prompt the user for input, default to "Audio" on null input
    (setq opt (cond ((getkword "n[Audio/Video/COmm/Coax(R)/Control/Network/Power] <Audio>: ")) ("Audio")))
    ;; Define the layer & colour based on the option returned
        (   (= opt "Audio")   (setq lay "AUDIO"    col  94))
        (   (= opt "Video")   (setq lay "VIDEO"    col 150))
        (   (= opt "COmm")    (setq lay "COMM"     col 206))
        (   (= opt "R")       (setq lay "COAX"     col  44))
        (   (= opt "Control") (setq lay "CONTROL"  col  10))
        (   (= opt "Network") (setq lay "NETWORK"  col 210))
        (   (= opt "Power")   (setq lay "POWER"    col   7))
    ) ;; end cond
    ;; Suppress command-line output for the -LAYER command
    (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
    ;; Create & set the layer & layer colour
    (command "_.-layer" "_M" lay "_C" col "" "")
    ;; Set everything except the first sys var
    (mapcar 'setvar (cdr var) '(1 1 1))
    ;; Initiate the PLINE command
    (command "_.pline")
    ;; Continuously pause for user input
    (while (= 1 (logand 1 (getvar 'cmdactive))) (command "\"))
    ;; Reset system variables
    (mapcar 'setvar var val)
    ;; Suppress the value returned by the last evaluated expression
) ;; end defun
