

static void MainMenu()
int userChoice = MainMenuChoice(); // Reading in the userChoice with the MenuChoice method
if (userChoice == 3) // if user enters 3, the program ends
Console.WriteLine("Thank you, Goodbye!");
while (userChoice != 3)
if (userChoice == 1)
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the customer menu!n"); // The customer menu is brought up if user enters 1
if (userChoice == 2)
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the manager menu!n"); // The manager menu is brought up if user enters 2
userChoice = MainMenuChoice(); // program ends
if (userChoice == 3)
Console.WriteLine("Thank you for visiting VideoMart at University Boulevard, Goodbye!");
static int MainMenuChoice()
Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); // introducing the user with the menu 
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to VideoMart at University Boulevard!  nAt VideoMart you are able to rent a variety of movies from many genres such as action, family, horror, etc!");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 1 if you are a customer");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 2 if you are a manager");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 3 to Exit");
string choice = Console.ReadLine();
while (!(choice == "1" || choice == "2" || choice == "3")) // error checking
Console.WriteLine("Please try again");
Console.WriteLine("Press 1 if you are a customer");
Console.WriteLine("Press 2 if you are a manager");
Console.WriteLine("Press 3 to Exit");
choice = Console.ReadLine();
return int.Parse(choice);

static void CustomerMenu() {
int customerChoice = CustomerMenuChoice(); // Reading in the customerChoice into the CustomerMenuChoice method
if (customerChoice == 5) // if user enters 5, the user is returned to the main menu
Console.WriteLine("Returning to main menu, thank you.");
while (customerChoice != 5)
if (customerChoice == 1)
Console.WriteLine("This shows movies available.n"); // this option gives the user the opportunity to view all movies available to rent
if (customerChoice == 2)
Console.WriteLine("This is to rent a movie.n"); // this option gives the user the opportunity to rent a movie, with email address
if (customerChoice == 3)
Console.WriteLine("This is to show my rented movies.n"); // this option gives the user the opportunity to view movies a user currently has rented, with email address
if (customerChoice == 4)
Console.WriteLine("This is to return a movie.n"); // this option gives the user the opportunity to return a movie rented
customerChoice = CustomerMenuChoice();
if (customerChoice == 5)
Console.WriteLine("Returning to main menu, thank you.");
static int CustomerMenuChoice()
Console.WriteLine("Below is a list of actions that can be performed by customers: ");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 1 to view movies available to rent.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 2 to rent a movie.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 3 to view a list of movies you currently have rented.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 4 to return a movie rented.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 5 to return to menu.");
string customerChoice2 = Console.ReadLine();
while (!(customerChoice2 == "1" || customerChoice2 == "2" || customerChoice2 == "3" || customerChoice2 == "4") || customerChoice2 == "5") // error checking
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid option: ");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 1 to view movies available to rent.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 2 to rent a movie.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 3 to view a list of movies you currently have rented.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 4 to return a movie rented.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 5 to return to menu.");
customerChoice2 = Console.ReadLine();
return int.Parse(customerChoice2);
static void ManagerMenu() {
int managerChoice = ManagerMenuChoice(); // Reading in the managerChoice into the ManagerMenuChoice method
if (managerChoice == 6) // if user enters 6, the user is returned to the main menu
Console.WriteLine("Returning to main menu, thank you.");
while (managerChoice != 6)
if (managerChoice == 1)
Console.WriteLine("This is to add a movie to inventory.n"); // this option gives the manager the ability to add a movie to inventory
if (managerChoice == 2)
Console.WriteLine("This is to remove a movie from inventory.n"); // this option gives the manager the ability to remove a movie from inventory
if (managerChoice == 3)
Console.WriteLine("This is to edit a movie from inventory.n"); // this option gives the manager the ability to edit a movie to inventory
if (managerChoice == 4)
Console.WriteLine("This is to process a btach transaction file.n"); // this option gives the manager the ability to process a batch transaction file
if (managerChoice == 5)
Console.WriteLine("This is to access the report menu.n"); // this option gives the manager the ability to access the report menu
managerChoice = ManagerMenuChoice();
if (managerChoice == 6)
Console.WriteLine("Returing to main menu, thank you.!"); // returns to main menu
static int ManagerMenuChoice()
Console.WriteLine("Below is a list of actions that can be performed by managers: ");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 1 to add a new movie to to the inventory.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 2 remove a movie from inventory.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 3 to edit a movie in inventory.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 4 to process a btach transaction file.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 5 to access the report menu.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 6 to return to the menu.");
string managerChoice2 = Console.ReadLine();
while (!(managerChoice2 == "1" || managerChoice2 == "2" || managerChoice2 == "3" || managerChoice2 == "4") || managerChoice2 == "5" || managerChoice2 == "6") // error checking
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid option: ");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 1 to add a new movie to to the inventory.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 2 remove a movie from inventory.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 3 to edit a movie in inventory.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 4 to process a btach transaction file.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 5 to access the report menu.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 6 to return to the menu.");
managerChoice2 = Console.ReadLine();
return int.Parse(managerChoice2);
while (!(customerChoice2 == "1" || customerChoice2 == "2" || customerChoice2 == "3" || customerChoice2 == "4") || customerChoice2 == "5")




static int CustomerMenuChoice()
Console.WriteLine("Below is a list of actions that can be performed by customers: ");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 1 to view movies available to rent.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 2 to rent a movie.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 3 to view a list of movies you currently have rented.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 4 to return a movie rented.");
Console.WriteLine("nPress 5 to return to menu.");
string customerChoice = Console.ReadLine();
if (customerChoice == "1" || customerChoice == "2" || customerChoice == "3" || customerChoice == "4" || customerChoice == "5")
return int.Parse(customerChoice);
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid option: ");



static void CustomerMenu()
int customerChoice = 0;
while (customerChoice != 5)
customerChoice = CustomerMenuChoice();
switch (customerChoice)
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("This shows movies available.n");
case 2:
Console.WriteLine("This is to rent a movie.n");
case 3:
Console.WriteLine("This is to show my rented movies.n");
case 4:
Console.WriteLine("This is to show my rented movies.n");
case 5:
Console.WriteLine("Returning to main menu, thank you.");
// Option not in the list



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