

echo "<table class='table tableDisplay".$currentMonthNumber." table-bordered '>";
echo "<tr>
for ($i=1; $i <= $nbOfDaysInCurrentMonth ; $i++) {
    $p = date('w', mktime(0,0,0, $calendrier_date_mois, $i, $calendrier_date_annee));
    if($p == 5){
        echo "</tr><tr>";
    echo "<td>".$i."</td>";
echo "</table>";

可以使用PHP的DateTime API。我在下面为你创建了一个示例脚本,其中脚本首先检查今天是否是星期六,如果不是,那么它将使用上星期六,然后循环7天。

$firstDay = null;
$isSaturday = (new DateTime("NOW"))->format('D') == 'Sat';
if($isSaturday) {
    $firstDay = new DateTime("NOW");
} else {
    $firstDay = new DateTime("last Saturday");
$days = 7;
for($i=0;$i<$days;$i++) {
   echo $firstDay->format('Y-m-d').'<br />';
    $firstDay->modify('+1 day');


// Save for common reference
$today = strtotime('today');
// Get the first and last day of this month
$fdotm = strtotime('first day of this month', $today);
$ldotm = strtotime('last day of this month', $today);
// first cell (top left) of the calendar
$first = date('w', $fdotm) == 6? $fdotm: strtotime('last saturday', $fdotm);
// last cell (bottom right) of the calendar
$last = strtotime('next friday', $ldotm);
// Rendering
echo '<h2>', date('F Y', $today), '</h2>';
echo '<table>
for ($date = $first; $date <= $last; $date = strtotime('tomorrow', $date)){
    if (date('w', $date) == 6) echo "n<tr>n";
    $fmt = $date == $today? '<b>%s</b>': '%s';
    echo '<td>', sprintf($fmt, date('j', $date)), "</td>n";
    if (date('w', $date) == 5) echo "</tr>";
echo "n</table>";
