private static Node<Integer> multByScalarAndCarry(Node<Integer> p , int k, int c){
int carry = c; //carry is taken from parameter
Node<Integer> result = new Node<Integer>();
Node<Integer> z = result; //head for the copy list
Node<Integer> P = p; //pointer for the list being copied
//copy p into result
z.item = P.item;
z.next = new Node<Integer>();
z = z.next;
P = P.next;
编辑 [解决方案]:对于那些将来遇到此问题的人,我使用复制列表的单独方法进行了一些思考。
private static Node<Integer> copyNode(Node<Integer> p){
if(p == null) //if empty, return the same thing
return p;
Node<Integer> result = new Node<Integer>();
result.item = p.item;// construct a node item copy of p's item
result.next = copyNode(p.next); //attach list doing this for all nodes of p
return result; //return the result.
z=z.next 是问题所在。您正在将当前节点更改为之前在该行中实例化的节点。