.Net Core 2.2 AutoFac 寄存器依赖项,用于注入记录器实例


  • asp.net 核心 2.2
  • 自发法 4.9.2


我正在尝试将记录器实例注入到已配置为由 Autofac 注入依赖项的类中


我有一个查询数据库的类。 该类具有由 Autofac 注入到其中的连接字符串。 以下设置有效。


public class ItemQueries
        : IItemQueries
        private readonly string _connectionString = default(string);
        public ItemQueries(string connectionString)
            _connectionString = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionString) ? connectionString : throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connectionString));
        public async Task<ItemViewModel> GetItemAsync(int id)
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
                var result = await connection.QueryAsync<dynamic>(
                    @"SELECT *                        
                    FROM dbo.items
                    WHERE Id=@id"
                    , new { id }
                if (result.AsList().Count == 0)
                    throw new KeyNotFoundException();
                return MapItem(result.FirstOrDefault());
        private ItemViewModel MapItem(dynamic result)
            return new ItemViewModel()
                Id = result.Id,
                Name = result.Name


public class ItemModule
        : Autofac.Module
        public string QueriesConnectionString { get; }
        public ItemModule(string queriesConnectionString)
            QueriesConnectionString = queriesConnectionString;
        protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
            builder.Register(c => new ItemQueries(QueriesConnectionString)) // <-- this breaks when I make the below changes because it's looking for an instance of ILogger<ItemQueries>

但是,我想将我的 Logger 实例注入 ItemQueries 类中,所以我将其注入到构造函数中,如下所示:

private readonly ILogger<ItemQueries> _logger;
private readonly string _connectionString = default(string);
        public ItemQueries(ILogger<ItemQueries> logger, string connectionString)
            _logger = logger;
            _connectionString = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionString) ? connectionString : throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connectionString));

但这破坏了我的 Autofac 模块中的注册。 如何告诉 Autofac ItemQueries类需要注入记录器实例?

我认为 Autofac 能够计算出ItemQueries类需要注入ILogger<>实例(你知道,就像变魔术一样!

您可以在 lambda 注册中解决问题。这就是 lambda 中的上下文参数的用途。

  .Register(c =>
    new ItemQueries(QueriesConnectionString, c.Resolve<ILogger<ItemQueries>>()))



private readonly ILogger<ItemQueries> _logger;
private readonly string _connectionString = default(string);
public delegate ItemQueries Factory(string connectionString); // --> here, you create the delegate factory
// connectionString needs to be the first parameter
public ItemQueries(string connectionString, ILogger<ItemQueries> logger) 
    _logger = logger;
    _connectionString = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionString) ? connectionString : throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connectionString));


public class ItemModule: Autofac.Module
    public string QueriesConnectionString { get; }
    public ItemModule(string queriesConnectionString)
        QueriesConnectionString = queriesConnectionString;
    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
        builder.RegisterType<ItemQueries>();  // --> not sure if needed
        builder.Register(c => 
           var factory = c.Resolve<ItemQueries.Factory>();
           return factory.Invoke(QueriesConnectionString);
