export class HomePage {
private barcode: BarcodeScanner,
public navCtrl: NavController,
af: AngularFireDatabase) {
// Here I get the list of elements where I will search the scanned code.
this.ocupadas = af.list('/UbicacionesOcupadas', {
query: {
orderByChild: 'evento',
equalTo: 28
// Here I get the QR Code value.
async scanBarcode() {
this.results = await this.barcode.scan(this.options);
// Now, I need to know if the QR Code value is in the firebase list. How would you do?
public findScanAgainstStoredList(scannedItem){
// scannedItem being this.results
let item = this.ocupadas.find(scannedItem);
if(item != undefined){
// do something if there is an item
// do something if no item is found