如何干掉.NET Web表单包装器


因此,我将后面的 ASP.NET 代码重构为表示器进行单元测试。完成此操作后,我注意到我为允许这样做而制作的包装器有很多我想消除的重复项。我的想法是使用类继承来抽象这种重复,但我无法弄清楚。我目前拥有的一个例子:

public class PresenterTests
    public void TestMethodTest()
        var fooMock = Mock<IFooWrapper>();
        var fooMock2 = Mock<IFooWrapper>();
        var barMock = Mock<IBarWrapper>();
        var barMock2 = Mock<IBarWrapper>();
        fooMock.Setup(x => x.Baz()).Returns(fooMock2);
        barMock.Setup(x => x.Baz()).Returns(bazMock2);
public interface IFooWrapper
    IFooWrapper Baz();
public class FooWrapper : IFooWrapper
    private Foo _instance;
    public FooWrapper(Foo instance)
        _instance = instance;
    public IFooWrapper Baz()
        return new FooWrapper(_instance);
public interface IBarWrapper
    void Baz();
public class BarWrapper : IBarWrapper
    private Bar _instance;
    public BarWrapper(Bar instance)
        _instance = instance;
    public IBarWrapper Baz()
        return new BarWrapper(_instance);


public interface IBaseWrapper<TWrapper, T> where TWrapper: IBaseWrapper<TWrapper, T> where T : class
    TWrapper Baz();
public class BaseWrapper<TWrapper, T> : IBaseWrapper<TWrapper, T> where TWrapper : BaseWrapper<TWrapper, T> where T : class
    public T Instance;
    public BaseWrapper()
    public BaseWrapper(T instance)
        Instance = instance;
    public TWrapper Baz()
        return new TWrapper(Instance);
public interface IFooWrapper : IBaseWrapper<FooWrapper, Foo>
public class FooWrapper : BaseWrapper<FooWrapper, Foo>, IFooWrapper
    public FooWrapper() {}
    public FooWrapper(T instance) : base(instance) {}
public interface IBarWrapper : IBaseWrapper<BarWrapper, Bar>
public class BarWrapper : BaseWrapper<BarWrapper, Bar>, IBarWrapper
    public BarWrapper() {}
    public BarWrapper(T instance) : base(instance) {}


public interface IBaseWrapper<TWrapper, T> where TWrapper : IBaseWrapper<TWrapper, T>
    TWrapper Baz();
public class BaseWrapper<TWrapper, T> : IBaseWrapper<TWrapper, T> where TWrapper : BaseWrapper<TWrapper, T> where T : class
    private T _instance;
    public BaseWrapper(T instance)
        _instance = instance;
    public TWrapper Baz()
        // note whatever wrapper class you are using must have a
        // constructor matching this base class
        return Activator.CreateInstance(GetType(), new object[] { _instance });
public class Foo
    public void FooSpecificMethod()
        // foo stuff
public interface IFooWrapper<TWrapper> : IBaseWrapper<TWrapper, Foo> where TWrapper : IBaseWrapper<TWrapper, Foo>
    void FooSpecificMethod();
public class FooWrapper : BaseWrapper<FooWrapper, Foo>, IFooWrapper<FooWrapper>
    public FooWrapper(Foo instance) : base(instance)
    public void FooSpecificMethod()


public class BaseWrapper
    public virtual void Baz()
       // Do some shared work
public class BarWrapper : BaseWrapper
    private Bar _instance;
    public BarWrapper(Bar instance)
        _instance = instance;
    public override void Baz()
        // Do custom stuff for this wrapper type?

当我尝试构建一段代码时,我通常以泛型实现为主导,该代码可以处理对继承共享接口公共类 IFileParser 的对象集合进行处理,其中 IFileImplementation 可以是各种东西。


从您的示例代码来看,泛型似乎不是必需的。 不过,您可能正在实现装饰器模式。

此示例演示了代码的非泛型版本。 这就是你所追求的吗?

public interface IBazzer
    void Baz();
public class TheBaz : IBazzer
    public void Baz()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
public class Wrapper : IBazzer
    private IBazzer _instance;
    public Wrapper(IBazzer instance)
        _instance = instance;
    public void Baz()
        // do stuff before calling the wrapped Bazzer
        // do stuff after calling the wrapped Bazzer        
    protected virtual void PreBaz(){}
    protected virtual void PostBaz(){}
public class FooWrapper : Wrapper
    public FooWrapper(IBazzer wrapped):base(wrapped){}
    protected override void PreBaz()
        Console.WriteLine("Foo Pre Baz");
    protected override void PostBaz()
        Console.WriteLine("Foo Post Baz");
public class BarWrapper : Wrapper
    public BarWrapper(IBazzer wrapped):base(wrapped){}
    protected override void PreBaz()
        Console.WriteLine("Bar Pre Baz");
    protected override void PostBaz()
        Console.WriteLine("Bar Post Baz");
void Main()
    var x = new     TheBaz();
    var y = new FooWrapper(x);
    // Foo Pre Baz
    // Hello World
    // Foo Post Baz
