在 Rust 中实现链表时如何复制原始指针?

我正在用 Rust 编写一个递归类型ListNode。我必须在结构中使用Box,并且我正在尝试编写一个循环来添加nextListNode。但是,我想尝试使用指针,但递归方法除外。

struct ListNode {
val: i32,
next: Option<Box<ListNode>>,
impl ListNode {
fn new(i: i32) -> Self {
ListNode { val: i, next: None }
fn add_l(&mut self, l: &Vec<i32>) {
let mut p: *mut ListNode = self as *mut ListNode;
for i in l {
unsafe {
(*p).next = Some(Box::new(ListNode::new(*i)));
let temp_b = Box::from_raw(p);
p = Box::into_raw(temp_b.next.wrap());
fn main() {
let mut a = ListNode::new(1);
a.add_l(&vec![2, 3, 4, 5]);
println!("{:?}", a);

我发现a更改为最后一个NodeListval为 5:

ListNode { val: 5, next: None }
  1. 有什么方法可以复制指针以保持a稳定吗?
  2. 如果无法复制指针,我该如何实现?



fn add_l(&mut self, l: &[i32]) {
let mut tail = None;
for &val in l.iter().rev() {
let next = tail.take();
tail = Some(Box::new(ListNode { val, next }));
self.next = tail;


fn add_l(&mut self, l: &[i32]) {
let mut head = self;
for &val in l {
head.next = Some(Box::new(ListNode::new(val)));
head = { head }.next.as_mut().unwrap();


fn add_l(&mut self, l: &[i32]) {
let mut head = self;
for &val in l {
unsafe {
// Boxing a value gives it a stable address.
let mut node = Box::new(ListNode::new(val));
// So long as this raw pointer doesn't escape this block, 
// we don't need to worry about its lifetime as it should 
// outlive what we need.
let node_raw = &mut node as &mut ListNode as *mut ListNode;
head.next = Some(node);
// Now that we've moved the `Box` into its final place,
// we throw away the reference to head to avoid mutable 
// aliasing
head = &mut *node_raw;


  • 为什么不鼓励接受对字符串(&String(,Vec(&Vec(或Box(&Box(的引用作为函数参数?
  • 迭代递归结构时无法获得可变引用:一次不能多次借用可变
  • 引用







let mut p: *mut ListNode = self as *mut ListNode;
// ... p is not reassigned before calling the next statement

因此,当您使用temp_b时,您将删除(释放(根对象 a。



struct ListNode {
val: String,
next: Option<Box<ListNode>>,
impl ListNode {
fn new(i: &str) -> Self {
ListNode { val: format!("{:?}", i), next: None }
fn add_l(&mut self, l: &Vec<&str>) {
let mut p: *mut ListNode = self as *mut ListNode;
println!("self -> {:?}", self as *mut ListNode);
for i in l {
unsafe {
(*p).next = Some(Box::new(ListNode::new(*i)));
let temp_b = Box::from_raw(p);
println!("{:?} -> {:?}", p, temp_b);
p = Box::into_raw(temp_b.next.unwrap());
println!("next p -> {:?}", p);
println!("self -> {:?}", self as *mut ListNode);
fn main() {
let mut a = ListNode::new("1");
a.add_l(&vec!["2", "3", "4", "5"]);
println!("self -> {:?}", &mut a as *mut ListNode);
println!("{:?}", a);

self -> 0x7ffdc10a90f0
0x7ffdc10a90f0 -> ListNode { val: ""1"", next: Some(ListNode { val: ""2"", next: None }) }
next p -> 0x7fdde801f060
0x7fdde801f060 -> ListNode { val: ""2"", next: Some(ListNode { val: ""3"", next: None }) }
next p -> 0x7ffdc10a90f0
0x7ffdc10a90f0 -> ListNode { val: ""3"", next: Some(ListNode { val: ""4"", next: None }) }
next p -> 0x7fdde801f060
0x7fdde801f060 -> ListNode { val: ""4"", next: Some(ListNode { val: ""5"", next: None }) }
next p -> 0x7ffdc10a90f0 <---- Whhhaaaat! You've been reallocated!
self -> 0x7ffdc10a90f0
self -> 0x7ffdc10a90f0
ListNode { val: ""5"", next: None }


