
我没有计数$mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Success} $mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Failure}请帮忙,实际上我在另一个问题中提出了这个问题,即关闭,所以我提出了这个问题。或任何其他增加特定密钥计数的方法。

use Text::CSV;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::Simple;
my $APK_GCM="/root/Basavaraj/GCM/cdr_02-01-2018_StreamzGcm.csv";
my $WEB_GCM="/root/Basavaraj/GCM/cdr_02-01-2018_StreamzWebPushNotification.csv";
my $Yesterday= strftime ("%d-%m-%Y", localtime(time-86400));
my $Current_Date= strftime ("%d-%m-%Y",localtime(time));
print "$Yesterday n";
print "$Current_Date n";
open(STDOUT, '>', "/root/Basavaraj/STREAMZ_GCM_APK.txt");
#Creating Class to split the document line by line  by comma ,
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ sep_char => ',' });
open (my $data, '<:encoding(utf8)', $APK_GCM) or die "Could Not open File '$APK_GCM' $!n";
open (my $data1,'<:encoding(utf8)', $WEB_GCM) or die "Could Not open File '$WEB_GCM' $!n";
my %mapA;
my $dummyA =<$data>;
while (my $line = <$data>) {
  if ($csv->parse($line)) {
      my @fields = $csv->fields();
      my $Brand_Name=$fields[2];
      my $Streamz_Sent=$fields[5];
      my $GoogleResA=$fields[5];
      $mapA{$Brand_Name} = {Success =>0,Failure=> 0} unless exists ($mapA{$Brand_Name});
      my $failureA='{error:MismatchSenderId}';
     if ($GoogleResA eq $failureA){
                         print "$Brand_Name:$mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Failure} n";
                         print "$Brand_Name:$mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Success} n";
  } else {
      warn "Line could not be parsed: $linen";
#$, = ",";
print " $mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Failure} n";
my $KeyA;
while (($keyA)=each (%mapA)){
     my $success= $mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Success};
     my $failure=  $mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Failure};
print "$keyA   $mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Failure}++ $mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Success}++ n";
foreach my $name ( keys %mapA) {
    print " $mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Failure} n";
    print " $mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Success} n";
    print "$name $mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Success} $mapA{$Brand_Name}->{Failure} n";


use strict;
use warnings;
my %results;
%results = ('Brand A' => {'Success' => 0, 'Failure' => 0},
            'Brand B' => {'Success' => 1, 'Failure' => 1});
# add new entry into existing hash 
$results{'Brand C'}{'Success'} = 5;
$results{'Brand C'}{'Failure'} = 6;
# increment Success count for specific brand straightaway
$results{'Brand B'}{'Success'}++;
print "Success count for brand B = $results{'Brand B'}{'Success'}n";
#print out hash
# first key for example Brand A
for my $brand (keys %results)
    print "Printing brand here: $brand-->";
    # next key for example 'Success' or 'Failure'
    for my $result (keys %{$results{$brand}})
        #increment success or failure count
        print "$result-->$results{$brand}{$result},";
    print "n";
