正确使用 Python 泛型 - 如何获取泛型变量的类型并在初始化后在对象中一致地强制实施该类型?


T = TypeVar("T", str, int, float, bool)

class Test(Generic[T]):
def __init__(self, name: str, value: T):
self._name: str = name
self._value: T = value
self._type: type = T
def set(self, new: T) -> None:
self._value = new
def get(self) -> T:
return self._value
def get_type(self) -> type:
return self._type

上面没有做我想要的 - 你可以.set任何类型作为新值,而不仅仅是初始类型T创建对象时。我也不知道如何提取类型T- 如何在不调用type(test_object.get())的情况下判断它是否是 str、int、float、bool ?

bool_var = Test("test", True)
# none of the below works the way I would have hoped:
bool_var.set("str is not a bool")
print("How do I raise an exception on the above line using Generic types?")
# I could store the type and compare it as part of the Test.set function, but is there a way
# to leverage Generics to accomplish this?
print("where is the value for T at the time the object was created?")
# how do I extract bool from this mess programmatically, to at least see what T was when the object was created?

我希望做的事情在 Python 中还不受支持吗?我是否以错误的方式接近泛型?


x:bool = input("anything as a string:")

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