




print("Thank you for helping with a creative LEGO project")
print("Please remember to keep words school safe and readable for elementary students")

adj1 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj2 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj3 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj4 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj5 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj6 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj7 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj8 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj9 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj10 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj11 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj12 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj13 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj14 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj15 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj16 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj17 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj18 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj19 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj20 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj21 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj22 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj23 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj24 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj25 = input("Give me a adjective ")
adj26 = input("Give me a adjective ")
print("Nice job coming up with all of those adjectives")
print("Now we are moving on to nouns")
print("Here we go!")
noun1 = input("Give me a noun ")
noun2 = input("Give me a noun ")
noun3 = input("Give me a noun ")
noun4 = input("Give me a noun ")
noun5 = input("Give me a noun ")
noun6 = input("Give me a noun ")
noun7 = input("Give me a noun ")
noun8 = input("Give me a noun ")
noun9 = input("Give me a noun ")
noun10 = input("Give me a noun ")

print("A = " + adj1)
print("B = " + adj2)
print("C = " + adj3)
print("D = " + adj4)
print("E = " + adj5)
print("F = " + adj6)
print("G = " + adj7)
print("H = " + adj8)
print("I = " + adj9)
print("J = " + adj10)
print("K = " + adj11)
print("L = " + adj12)
print("M = " + adj13)
print("N = " + adj14)
print("O = " + adj15)
print("P = " + adj16)
print("Q = " + adj17)
print("R = " + adj18)
print("S = " + adj19)
print("T = " + adj20)
print("U = " + adj21)
print("V = " + adj22)
print("W = " + adj23)
print("X = " + adj24)
print("Y = " + adj25)
print("Z = " + adj26)
print("1-3 = " + noun1)
print("4-6 = " + noun2)
print("7-9 = " + noun3)
print("10-12 = " + noun4)
print("13-15 = " + noun5)
print("16-18 = " + noun6)
print("19-21 = " + noun7)
print("22-25 = " + noun8)
print("26-28 = " + noun9)
print("29-31 = " + noun10)


adjectives_list = []
for ka in range(0,26):
print(" Give me an adjective ")
nouns_list = []
for kn in range(0,10):
print(" Give me a noun ")



print("Thank you for helping with a creative LEGO project")
print("Please remember to keep words school safe and readable for elementary students")
num_adjectives = 26
adjectives = [input() for _ in range(num_adjectives)]
print("Nice job coming up with all of those adjectives")
print("Now we are moving on to nouns")
print("Here we go!")
num_nouns = 10
nouns = [input() for _ in range(num_nouns)]
for idx,letter in enumerate(alphabet):
print(f'{letter} = {adjectives[idx]}')
for idx,noun in enumerate(nouns):
print(f'{idx*3+1}-{idx*3+3} = {noun}')

在我的建议之前,我想指出,为此任务编写一个 Python 程序可能不是一个理想的解决方案。

鉴于您如何描述您的目标,在我看来,Google Forms或其他调查服务更容易设置,也更容易人们填写。使用电子表格中的结果,您可能会发现更容易操作它们以显示您想要的样子。




import textwrap, shutil
# Use the other answers' suggestions to put words into these lists.
nouns = []
# Some basic pre-processing using <generator expression> (see also <list comprehensions>)
# Remove trailing spaces, make all-lowercase, remove duplicates, and sort alphabetically
nouns = sorted(set(noun.strip().lower() for noun in nouns))
# Get width of terminal (80 if not using a terminal)
width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns
textwrap.fill(", ".join(nouns), width),
sep="n")  # separate outputs by newlines


