线程程序中的C - malloc


void * fct(void * p)
  int i = 0;
  int * input = (int *) p;
  int * arr = malloc((*input)*sizeof(int));
  /* put something in arr */
  return (void *) arr
int main()
  /* prologue */
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++)
    rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, fct, (void *) &input[i]);
  /* epilogue */

我实际上不理解并没有找到答案是:线程例程(i, input, arr)内的变量共享吗?我理解pthreads的方式是fct的不同副本被称为MAX_THREADS次,每个副本都有自己的一组变量。







#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static pthread_mutex_t mtx = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static void *fct(void *p)
    int number = *(int *)p;
    int *arr = malloc(number * sizeof(int));  // Error check missing!
    for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
        arr[i] =  number + (7 * i + 5) % 11;
    pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx);   // Error check missing!
    printf("Integers %2d (%p):", number, (void *)arr);
    for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
        printf(" %3d", arr[i]);
    pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx); // Error check missing!
    return (void *)arr;
enum { MAX_THREADS = 10 };
int main(void)
    pthread_t threads[MAX_THREADS];
    int input[MAX_THREADS];
    int *result[MAX_THREADS];
    /* Initialization */
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++)
        input[i] = (3 * i + 2) % 13 + 1;
    /* Thread creation */
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++)
        pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx);   // Error check missing!
        printf("Launch %d: %2dn", i, input[i]);
        pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx); // Error check missing!
        int rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, fct, (void *)&input[i]);
        if (rc != 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Oops creating thread %dn", i);
    /* Thread harvesting */
    for (int i = MAX_THREADS; i-- > 0; )
        void *vp;
        int rc = pthread_join(threads[i], &vp);
        if (rc != 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Oops joining thread %dn", i);
        printf("Thread %d: %2d (%p)n", i, input[i], vp);
        result[i] = vp;
    /* Finalization */
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++)
        printf("Master - %d:", i);
        for (int j = 0; j < input[i]; j++)
            printf(" %3d", result[i][j]);
    return 0;

Launch 0:  3
Launch 1:  6
Launch 2:  9
Launch 3: 12
Integers  6 (0x7faf9ae01890):  11   7  14  10   6  13
Integers  3 (0x7faf9af00000):   8   4  11
Integers  9 (0x7faf9b800000):  14  10  17  13   9  16  12  19  15
Launch 4:  2
Integers 12 (0x7faf9b800030):  17  13  20  16  12  19  15  22  18  14  21  17
Launch 5:  5
Integers  2 (0x7faf9af00010):   7   3
Integers  5 (0x7faf9b800060):  10   6  13   9   5
Launch 6:  8
Launch 7: 11
Integers  8 (0x7faf9ae018b0):  13   9  16  12   8  15  11  18
Launch 8:  1
Integers 11 (0x7faf9b800080):  16  12  19  15  11  18  14  21  17  13  20
Launch 9:  4
Integers  1 (0x7faf9af00020):   6
Integers  4 (0x7faf9b8000b0):   9   5  12   8
Thread 9:  4 (0x7faf9b8000b0)
Thread 8:  1 (0x7faf9af00020)
Thread 7: 11 (0x7faf9b800080)
Thread 6:  8 (0x7faf9ae018b0)
Thread 5:  5 (0x7faf9b800060)
Thread 4:  2 (0x7faf9af00010)
Thread 3: 12 (0x7faf9b800030)
Thread 2:  9 (0x7faf9b800000)
Thread 1:  6 (0x7faf9ae01890)
Thread 0:  3 (0x7faf9af00000)
Master - 0:   8   4  11
Master - 1:  11   7  14  10   6  13
Master - 2:  14  10  17  13   9  16  12  19  15
Master - 3:  17  13  20  16  12  19  15  22  18  14  21  17
Master - 4:   7   3
Master - 5:  10   6  13   9   5
Master - 6:  13   9  16  12   8  15  11  18
Master - 7:  16  12  19  15  11  18  14  21  17  13  20
Master - 8:   6
Master - 9:   9   5  12   8


在Mac OS X 10.11.6上测试,GCC 6.1.0和Valgrind 3.12.0.SVN。当在Valgrind下运行时,它会崩溃。当不在Valgrind下运行时不会崩溃。

==3412== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==3412== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==3412== Using Valgrind-3.12.0.SVN and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==3412== Command: ./pth37
Launch 0:  3
Launch 1:  6
Launch 2:  9
Launch 3: 12
Launch 4:  2
Integers  3 (0x100aaf5b0):   8   4  11
Launch 5:  5
Integers 12 (0x100aaf600):  17  13  20  16  12  19  15  22  18  14  21  17
Integers  6 (0x100aaf670):  11   7  14  10   6  13
Integers  9 (0x100aaf6d0):  14  10  17  13   9  16  12  19  15
Integers  2 (0x100aaf740):   7   3
Launch 6:  8
Integers  5 (0x100aaf790):  10   6  13   9   5
Launch 7: 11
Integers  8 (0x100aaf7f0):  13   9  16  12   8  15  11  18
Launch 8:  1
Integers 11 (0x100aaf850):  16  12  19  15  11  18  14  21  17  13  20
Launch 9:  4
==3412== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==3412==  Access not within mapped region at address 0x700003062C1A
==3412==    at 0x10046F374: _pthread_find_thread (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib)
==3412==    by 0x10046F2CF: _pthread_lookup_thread (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib)
==3412==    by 0x10047061A: pthread_join (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib)
==3412==    by 0x100000C3C: main (pth37.c:52)
==3412==  If you believe this happened as a result of a stack
==3412==  overflow in your program's main thread (unlikely but
==3412==  possible), you can try to increase the size of the
==3412==  main thread stack using the --main-stacksize= flag.
==3412==  The main thread stack size used in this run was 8388608.
--3412:0:schedule VG_(sema_down): read returned -4
==3412== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3412==     in use at exit: 26,557 bytes in 196 blocks
==3412==   total heap usage: 280 allocs, 84 frees, 32,789 bytes allocated
Memcheck: mc_leakcheck.c:1106 (void lc_scan_memory(Addr, SizeT, Bool, Int, Int, Addr, SizeT)): Assertion 'bad_scanned_addr >= VG_ROUNDUP(start, sizeof(Addr))' failed.
host stacktrace:
==3412==    at 0x238050773: ???
==3412==    by 0x238050B9C: ???
==3412==    by 0x238050B7A: ???
==3412==    by 0x238003B86: ???
==3412==    by 0x2380033A6: ???
==3412==    by 0x238002050: ???
==3412==    by 0x238014F0D: ???
==3412==    by 0x23805D562: ???
==3412==    by 0x2380F2772: ???
==3412==    by 0x2380F287A: ???
sched status:



如果成功,pthread_create()返回0;当出现错误时,它返回一个错误, *线程的内容未定义。



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