Haskell: hSetFileSize: invalid argument (Invalid argument)



import System.IO
main = do
    putStrLn "Enter file name (Including full path) to read"
    fileName <- getLine
    handle <- openFile fileName ReadMode
    sizeBeforeTrunc <- hFileSize handle
    content <- readFile fileName 
    putStrLn $ "Size of the file Before truncation is " ++ (show sizeBeforeTrunc) ++ " bytes" 
    putStrLn $ "Content of the file is " ++ content
    putStrLn "**************************************"
    let n = sizeBeforeTrunc `div` 2
    putStrLn $ "Truncating file to " ++ (show n) ++ " bytes"
    info1 <- hSetFileSize handle (toInteger 10)
    putStrLn $ show info1
    sizeAfterTrunc <- hFileSize handle
    putStrLn $ "Size of the file After truncation is " ++ (show sizeAfterTrunc) ++ " bytes" 
    putStrLn $ "Content of the file is " ++ content        
    hClose handle



main = do
    putStrLn "Enter file name (Including full path) to read"
    fileName <- getLine
    sizeBeforeTrunc <- withFile fileName ReadMode $ h -> do
        sizeBeforeTrunc <- hFileSize h
        content <- hGetContents h
        putStrLn $ "Size of the file Before truncation is " ++ (show sizeBeforeTrunc) ++ " bytes" 
        putStrLn $ "Content of the file is " ++ content
    putStrLn "**************************************"
    let n = sizeBeforeTrunc `div` 2
    putStrLn $ "Truncating file to " ++ (show n) ++ " bytes"
    sizeAfterTrunc <- withFile fileName WriteMode $ h -> do       
        info1 <- hSetFileSize h (toInteger 10)
        putStrLn $ show info1
        hFileSize h
    putStrLn $ "Size of the file After truncation is " ++ (show sizeAfterTrunc) ++ " bytes" 
    putStrLn $ "Content of the file is " ++ content            


> import System.IO



> putAndCount :: FileName -> String -> IO Int
> putAndCount fn msg = withFile fn ReadMode $ handle -> do
>     size    <- hFileSize handle
>     content <- hGetContents handle
>     putStrLn $ "Size of the file " ++ msg ++ " is " ++ show size ++ " bytes"
>     putStrLn $ "Content of the file is " ++ content
>     return size


> setFileSize :: FileName -> Integer -> IO ()
> setFileSize fn s = withFile fn ReadWriteMode $ handle -> 
>     hSetFileSize handle s

在这里使用 ReadWriteMode 而不是WriteMode很重要,因为WriteMode会将文件截断为零字节!顺便说一下,这与 C fopen中的行为相同。


> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>     putStrLn "Enter file name (Including full path) to read"
>     fileName <- getLine
>     sizeBeforeTrunc <- putAndCount fileName "Before truncation"    
>     putStrLn "**************************************"
>     let n = sizeBeforeTrunc `div` 2
>     putStrLn $ "Truncating file to " ++ (show n) ++ " bytes"    
>     setFileSize fileName n
>     putAndCount fileName "After truncation"

