这里有两个最简单的例子来说明我想做什么。第一个使用unsafePerformIO,第二个完全在IO monad中。我并不真的依赖不安全的PerformIO,但如果可能的话,我想保留它。所描述的问题在有和没有它的情况下都会发生。
module Main where
import System.Timeout
import Criterion.Measurement
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Process
main = do
x <- time $ timeoutP (1 * 1000000) $ mytest 2
y <- getLine
putStrLn $ show x ++ y
timeoutP :: Int -> a -> IO (Maybe a)
timeoutP t fun = timeout t $ return $! fun
mytest :: Int -> String
mytest n =
x = runOnExternalProgram $ n * 1000
x ++ ". Indeed."
runOnExternalProgram :: Int -> String
runOnExternalProgram n = unsafePerformIO $ do
-- convert the input to a parameter of the external program
let x = show $ n + 12
-- run the external program
-- (here i use "sleep" to indicate a slow computation)
answer <- readProcess "sleep" [x] ""
-- convert the output as needed
let verboseAnswer = "External program answered: " ++ answer
return verboseAnswer
module Main where
import System.Timeout
import Criterion.Measurement
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Process
main = do
x <- time $ timeout (1 * 1000000) $ mytest 2
y <- getLine
putStrLn $ show x ++ y
mytest :: Int -> IO String
mytest n = do
x <- runOnExternalProgram $ n * 1000
return $ x ++ ". Indeed."
runOnExternalProgram :: Int -> IO String
runOnExternalProgram n = do
-- convert the input to a parameter for the external program:
let x = show $ n + 12
-- run the external program
-- (here i use "sleep" to indicate a slow computation):
answer <- readProcess "sleep" [x] ""
-- convert the output as needed:
let verboseAnswer = "External program answered: " ++ answer
return verboseAnswer
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.Process
import System.Process.Internals
safeCreateProcess :: String -> [String] -> StdStream -> StdStream -> StdStream
-> ( ( Maybe Handle
, Maybe Handle
, Maybe Handle
, ProcessHandle
) -> IO a )
-> IO a
safeCreateProcess prog args streamIn streamOut streamErr fun = bracket
( do
h <- createProcess (proc prog args)
{ std_in = streamIn
, std_out = streamOut
, std_err = streamErr
, create_group = True }
return h
-- "interruptProcessGroupOf" is in the new System.Process. Since some
-- programs return funny exit codes i implemented a "terminateProcessGroupOf".
-- ((_, _, _, ph) -> interruptProcessGroupOf ph >> waitForProcess ph)
((_, _, _, ph) -> terminateProcessGroup ph >> waitForProcess ph)
{-# NOINLINE safeCreateProcess #-}
safeReadProcess :: String -> [String] -> String -> IO String
safeReadProcess prog args str =
safeCreateProcess prog args CreatePipe CreatePipe Inherit
((Just inh, Just outh, _, ph) -> do
hPutStr inh str
hClose inh
-- fork a thread to consume output
output <- hGetContents outh
outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ evaluate (length output) >> putMVar outMVar ()
-- wait on output
takeMVar outMVar
hClose outh
return output
-- The following would be great, if some programs did not return funny
-- exit codes!
-- ex <- waitForProcess ph
-- case ex of
-- ExitSuccess -> return output
-- ExitFailure r ->
-- fail ("spawned process " ++ prog ++ " exit: " ++ show r)
terminateProcessGroup :: ProcessHandle -> IO ()
terminateProcessGroup ph = do
let (ProcessHandle pmvar) = ph
ph_ <- readMVar pmvar
case ph_ of
OpenHandle pid -> do -- pid is a POSIX pid
signalProcessGroup 15 pid
otherwise -> return ()
-- highly non-portable, and liable to change between versions
import System.Process.Internals
-- from the finalizer of the bracketed function
-- `ph` is a ProcessHandle as returned by createProcess
((_,_,_,ph) -> do
let (ProcessHandle pmvar) = ph
ph_ <- takeMVar pmvar
case ph_ of
OpenHandle pid -> do -- pid is a POSIX pid
... -- do stuff
putMVar pmvar ph_
现在您已经有了POSIX id,您可以根据需要使用系统调用或shell来终止。只要小心你的Haskell可执行文件不在同一个进程组中,如果你走那条路的话。
module Main where
import System.Timeout
import Criterion.Measurement
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Process
import Control.Exception
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import GHC.IO.Exception
import System.Exit
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent
main = do
x <- time $ timeoutP (1 * 1000000) $ mytest 2
y <- getLine
putStrLn $ show x ++ y
timeoutP :: Int -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
timeoutP t fun = timeout t $ fun
mytest :: Int -> IO String
mytest n = do
x <- runOnExternalProgram $ n * 1000
return $ x ++ ". Indeed."
runOnExternalProgram :: Int -> IO String
runOnExternalProgram n =
-- convert the input to a parameter of the external program
let x = show $ n + 12
in bracketOnError
(createProcess (proc "sleep" [x]){std_in = CreatePipe
,std_out = CreatePipe
,std_err = Inherit})
((Just inh, Just outh, _, pid) -> terminateProcess pid >> waitForProcess pid)
((Just inh, Just outh, _, pid) -> do
-- fork a thread to consume output
output <- hGetContents outh
outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ evaluate (length output) >> putMVar outMVar ()
-- no input in this case
hClose inh
-- wait on output
takeMVar outMVar
hClose outh
-- wait for process
ex <- waitForProcess pid
case ex of
ExitSuccess -> do
-- convert the output as needed
let verboseAnswer = "External program answered: " ++ output
return verboseAnswer
ExitFailure r ->
ioError (mkIOError OtherError ("spawned process exit: " ++ show r) Nothing Nothing) )