使用 React+Redux,我应该如何在我的商店中存储配置文件

我的 react+redux 应用程序需要在商店中存储用户配置文件。示例数据:

{"user_id":11,"stuff":"more stuff"}, {"user_id":313,"stuff":"more stuff"},{"user_id":13111,"stuff":"more stuff"},{"user_id":21,"stuff":"more stuff"}


我需要 store.profiles 来存储 1 个或多个配置文件,它可能包括current_user的配置文件。

然后,我需要我的 Profile 组件能够在组件呈现时在存储区中找到或获取current_user的配置文件。我应该如何处理这个问题?

谢谢,我是 React+Redux 的新手


// reducer
function userReducer(state = [], action) {
  switch(action.type) {
    // adding new user, just append to the end of array
    case ADD_USER:
      return [...state, {...action.payload.user }] 
    // editing an existing user, must check if exists! Othewise return original state
    case EDIT_USER:
      const filteredUsers = state.filter(user => user.id === action.payload.user.id);
      const isUserExist = filteredUsers.length > 0;
      if (isUserExist) {
        const updatedUser = { ...filteredUsers[0], ...action.payload.user };
        return [...state.filter(user => user.id !== action.payload.user.id), updatedUser];
      } else {
        return state;
      return state;
// sample user obj
  id: 'unique-id',
  first_name: 'bob',
  last_name: 'jones',
  email: 'test@mail.com',
  photo_url: 'some url',
  bio: 'some text'
// container.js 
const mapStateToProps = (store) => ({
  users: state.users,
  getUser: (userId) => state.users.filter(user.id === userId),
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
  editUser: (userId) => dispatch(editUser(userId))
// actions.js
import uuid from 'uuid/v4';
function editUser(payload) {
  return {
    type: 'EDIT_USER',
function addUser(user) {
  return {
    type: 'ADD_USER',
    payload : {
      user: {
        id: uuid()
// probably shouldn't edit id
payload {
  id: 'uniquestring',
  first_name: 'momo',
  last_name: 'wawa',
  // ... the rest of the changes

这假设您已经了解 redux 的基础知识。否则,请阅读本教程。
