

示例:从" jan"到" feb",从"银行"到"现金",从"测试"到"夏普"等(银行声明Jan.xls-> jpm语句Jan.xls,表单测试。xls->形成sharp.xl等(


Sub testrenametest()
    Dim filedlg As FileDialog 
    Dim xPath As String 
    Dim fileList As Object 
    Dim vFile As Variant 
    Dim FindTerm As String, ReplaceTerm As String, NewFileName As String
    Set filedlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    With filedlg
        .Title = "Please select folder"
        .InitialFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path
        If .Show <> -1 Then End
        xPath = .SelectedItems(1) & ""
    End With
    FindTerm = InputBox("Find string:") ReplaceTerm = InputBox("Replace with:")
    Set fileList = getFileList(xPath)
    For Each vFile In fileList
        If vFile Like "*" & FindTerm & "*" Then
                NewFileName = Replace(vFile, FindTerm, ReplaceTerm)
                Name vFile As NewFileName
        End If
    Next vFile 
End Sub
Function getFileList(Path As String, Optional FileFilter As String = "*.*", Optional fso As Object, Optional list As Object) As Object
    Dim BaseFolder As Object, oFile As Object
    If fso Is Nothing Then
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set list = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    End If
    If Not Right(Path, 1) = "" Then Path = Path & ""
    If Len(Dir(Path, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "You need to browse folder first!"
    End If
    Set BaseFolder = fso.GetFolder(Path)
    For Each oFile In BaseFolder.SubFolders
        getFileList oFile.Path, FileFilter, fso, list
    For Each oFile In BaseFolder.Files
        If oFile.Path Like FileFilter Then list.Add oFile.Path
    Set getFileList = list
End Function

它适用于某些字符串,例如月份的名称,但例如"测试"或"银行"。它在行名为vfile上的 Run-time error 53 File not found表示为newfileName,但文件存在。很抱歉输入整个代码,但我无法确定可能是一个问题的地方。


For Each vFile In fileList
    If vFile Like "*" & FindTerm & "*" Then
            NewFileName = Replace(vFile, FindTerm, ReplaceTerm)
            If Dir$(vFile) <> "" Then
                    Name vFile As NewFileName
             End If
    End If
Next vFile 


For Each vFileSpec In fileList
   vPath = Left(vFile, InstrRev(vFileSpec, "") - 1)
   vFile = Mid(vFileSpec, Len(vPath) + 1)
    If vFile Like "*" & FindTerm & "*" Then
            NewFileName = Replace(vFile, FindTerm, ReplaceTerm)
             Name vFileSpec As vPath + "" + NewFileName
    End If
Next vFile 
