

所以我有列表 A,看起来像这样 - (20-40,60-80,100-200)但它们可以是任何范围。

列表 B (15-35,60-85,50-150),正如你所看到的,B 中的三个范围确实与 A 中的范围交叉,但我需要轻松确定它们是否交叉(有些没有(以及它们"错位"的程度或它们的差异程度。例如,对于两个列表中的第一个元素,B 重叠,但在范围的开始和停止处太低 5。

到目前为止,我唯一的想法是创建一个非常慢的"for 循环"系统来检查范围,但对于我拥有的大量值来说,这非常慢。

我认为这将是一个微不足道的问题,但到目前为止我还没有找到任何简单的东西。任何帮助,不胜感激。 谢谢。



def compare(r1, r2):
    low_1, high_1, low_2, high_2 = parse(r1, r2) # parse is left as an exercise because I'm lazy
    if (high_1 < low_2):
        return -1
    elif (high_2 < low_1):
        return 1
    return 0 # They overlap! 


def seek(list_of_ranges_1, list_of_ranges_2):
len_1 = len(list_of_ranges_1)
len_2 = len(list_of_ranges_2)
head_1, head_2 = 0
    # Given that the lists are sorted, if you reach the end of one, there are no more overlaps
    if (head_1 == len_1 || head_2 == len_2):
    r1 = list_of_ranges_1[head_1]
    r2 = list_of_ranges_2[head_2]
    test_value = compare(r1,r2)
    if (test_value == -1):
       head_1 +=1
    elif (test_value == 1):
       head_2 +=1
        # This is the complicated case. In the other cases, there was no overlap, 
        # so we could safely move the lower range forward. But now, we 
        # have ranges that overlap, and there could be several ranges in
        # one list that overlap with a single range in the first list.
        # The solution to this is to iterate the range that has the lower 
        # high_value. IE, if we has r1 = 10-15 and r2 = 12-25, we would 
        # iterate head_1, but if r2 was 12-13, we would iterate head_2, to account for
        # the possibility that the next range is 14-n, and overlaps with the 
        # same range 10-15.

此代码假设解析函数和 else 情况已正确实现,将获得您想要的结果。此外,假设循环的每次迭代head_1和head_2严格增加,复杂度为 O(n + m(。
