

function sendsms($sms_username,$sms_password,$sender_ID,$number,$message)
if(isset($sms_username) && isset($sms_password))
$username = trim($sms_username);//your sms user account
$password = trim($sms_password);//your sms password
$type = '0';//FOR FLASH MESSAGES SET type to 1
$dlr = '1';//request for delivery report
$destination = $number;;//phone number 
$source = urlencode($sender_ID);//This is the sender or label that will be received by client/user. MAXIMUM 11 CHARACTERS
$message = urlencode("$message");//message content to be sent to user/client
//Form url api
$url = "https://api.sendingthesms/bulksms/?username=" .$username."&password=".$password."&type=0&dlr=1&destination=".$destination."&source=".$source."&message=" . $message;
$scc = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('protocol_version' => 1.1)));//enforce http 1.1
$response = file_get_contents("$url",0,$scc);//fire/call nalo sms api
return $response;
return "username cannot be empty";

echo sendsms("username","mypassword","$session_username",$mainphone3, $mysms);



$numbers = ['1123234', '34343234', '12334234'];
function sendsms($sms_username,$sms_password,$sender_IDs,$numbers,$message)
if(isset($sms_username) && isset($sms_password))
$username = trim($sms_username);//your sms user account
$password = trim($sms_password);//your sms password
$type = '0';//FOR FLASH MESSAGES SET type to 1
$dlr = '1';//request for delivery report
foreach($numbers as $number){
$destination = $number;;//phone number 
$source = urlencode($sender_ID);
$message = urlencode("$message");
//Form url api
$url = "https://api.sendingthesms/bulksms/?username=" .$username."&password=".$password."&type=0&dlr=1&destination=".$destination."&source=".$source."&message=" . $message;
$scc = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('protocol_version' => 1.1)));//enforce http 1.1
$response = file_get_contents("$url",0,$scc);//fire/call nalo sms api

return $response;
return "username cannot be empty";


<?php 'include/dbconnect.php'; // This is for connection to the database
function sendsms($sms_username,$sms_password,$sender_ID,$number,$message) {
if(isset($sms_username) && isset($sms_password))
{ $username = trim($sms_username);//your sms user account
$password = trim($sms_password);//your sms password
$type = '0';//FOR FLASH MESSAGES SET type to 1
$dlr = '1';//request for delivery report
$destination = $number;//phone number 
$source = urlencode($sender_ID);//This is the sender or label that will be received by client/user. MAXIMUM 11 CHARACTERS
$message = urlencode("$message");//message content to be sent to user/client
//Form url api
$url = "https://api.mysmsserver.com/bulksms/?username=" .$username."&password=".$password."&type=0&dlr=1&destination=".$destination."&source=".$source."&message=" . $message;
$scc = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('protocol_version' => 1.1)));//enforce http 1.1
$response = file_get_contents("$url",0,$scc);//fire/call your bulk sms server's api
return $response;
return "username cannot be empty";
}} $result = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT phonenumber FROM users");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) $phonenumbers[]=$row[0];
$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT accountbalance FROM users");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result1)) $accountbalances[]=$row[0];
foreach (array_combine($phonenumbers, $accountbalances) as $phonenumber => 
echo sendsms("username","mypassword","SendersName","$phonenumber", "$accountbalance");
