

class Node:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.next = None
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
def InsertNode(head, data):
if head == None:
print("head == None, so head will be a node now")
head = Node(data)
print("now, head is a node where head.data = {} and head.next = {}".format(head.data, head.next))
tail = head
while tail.next != None:
tail = tail.next
tail.next = Node(data)
def PrintLL(linkedList):
node = linkedList.head
while node != None:
print (node.data)
node = node.next
llist = LinkedList()
##print("llist.head == {}".format(llist.head))
InsertNode(llist.head, 0)
print("after InsertNode with data = 0, llist.head == {}".format(llist.head))


class Node:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.next = None
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
def InsertNode(node, data):
if node.head == None:
print("head == None, so head will be a node now")
node.head = Node(data)
print("now, head is a node where head.data = {} and head.next = {}".format(node.head.data, node.head.next))
tail = node.head
while tail.next != None:
tail = tail.next
tail.next = Node(data)
def PrintLL(linkedList):
node = linkedList.head
while node != None:
print (node.data)
node = node.next
llist = LinkedList()
##print("llist.head == {}".format(llist.head))
InsertNode(llist, 0)
print("after InsertNode with data = 0, llist.head == {}".format(llist.head))


InsertNode(llist.head, 0)


head = Node(data)



class Node:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.next = None
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
def InsertNode(linkedList, data):
if linkedList.head == None:
print("head == None, so head will be a node now")
linkedList.head = Node(data)
print("now, head is a node where head.data = {} and head.next = {}".format(linkedList.head.data, linkedList.head.next))
tail = linkedList.head
while tail.next != None:
tail = tail.next
tail.next = Node(data)
def PrintLL(linkedList):
node = linkedList.head
while node != None:
print (node.data)
node = node.next
llist = LinkedList()
InsertNode(llist, 0)
print("after InsertNode with data = 0, llist.head == {}".format(llist.head.data))
