

import java.util.List;
public class Main {
    interface Interface1<T> {}
    interface Interface2<T> extends Interface1<T> {}
    static class Bound {}
    interface BoundedI1<T extends Bound> extends Interface1<T> {}
    interface BoundedI2<T extends Bound> extends Interface2<T> {}
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        test((List<BoundedI2<?>>) null);
        //test2((List<BoundedI2<?>>) null);
    public static void test(List<? extends Interface2<? extends Bound>> list) { test2(list); }
    public static void test2(List<? extends Interface1<? extends Bound>> list) {}


在6u43和7u45 Oracle jdk上测试


ideone(很酷的工具)打印的错误信息: error: method test2 in class Main cannot be applied to given types;
        test2((List<BoundedI2<?>>) null);
  required: List<? extends Interface1<? extends Bound>>
  found: List<BoundedI2<?>>
  reason: actual argument List<BoundedI2<?>> cannot be converted to List<? extends Interface1<? extends Bound>> by method invocation conversion

UPDATE 2: This compilesfine,这表明编译器确实认为BoundedI2<?>是可分配给Interface1<? extends Bound>的,这似乎更直接地与JLS相矛盾:

public class Main {
    interface Interface1<T> {}
    interface Interface2<T> extends Interface1<T> {}
    static class Bound {}
    interface BoundedI1<T extends Bound> extends Interface1<T> {}
    interface BoundedI2<T extends Bound> extends Interface2<T> {}
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        test((List<BoundedI2<?>>) null);
        //test2((List<BoundedI2<?>>) null);
        test3((BoundedI2<?>) null);
    public static void test(List<? extends Interface2<? extends Bound>> list) { test2(list); }
    public static void test2(List<? extends Interface1<? extends Bound>> list) {}
    public static void test3(Interface1<? extends Bound> instance) {}


  • BoundedI2在T上是通用的,它必须是"Bound"
  • Interface2正在扩展Interface1

至少没有正确实例化BoundedI2。真正奇怪的是,在同一个JDK上配置的Eclipse可以很好地编译它……请注意,Eclipse使用它的内部编译器,以便在您键入时处理增量重新计算,因此它根本不会调用JDK的编译器(参见org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler package)。


import java.util.List;
public class PerfTest {
    interface Interface1<T> {}
    interface Interface2<T> extends Interface1<T> {}
    static class Bound {}
    interface BoundedI1<T extends Bound> extends Interface1<T> {}
    interface BoundedI2<T extends Bound> extends Interface2<T> {}
    static class Actual extends Bound {}
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        test((List<BoundedI2<Actual>>) null);
        test2((List<BoundedI2<Actual>>) null);
    public static void test(List<? extends Interface2<? extends Bound>> list) { test2(list); }
    public static void test2(List<? extends Interface1<? extends Bound>> list) {}

