public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int rounds, antonia = 100, david = 100;
int rolla, rolld;
String score;
String[] scorenospace;
System.out.println("How many rounds would you like to play? (1-15)");
rounds = scan.nextInt();
while (rounds > 0) {
score = scan.nextLine();
scorenospace = score.split(" ");
rolla = Integer.parseInt((scorenospace[0]));
rolld = Integer.parseInt((scorenospace[1]));
if (rolla > rolld) {
david = david - rolla;
} else if (rolla < rolld) {
antonia = antonia - rolld;
} else if (rolla == rolld) {
System.out.println(antonia + david);
用户将输入 2 个由空格分隔的数字。我想单独收集和比较作为字符串输入的 2 个数字。我将如何做到这一点?
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int rounds, antonia = 100, david = 100;
int rolla, rolld=0;
String score;
System.out.println("How many rounds would you like to play? (1-15)");
rounds = scan.nextInt();
while (rounds > 0) {
score = scan.nextLine();
rolla = score.charAt(0);
rolld = score.charAt(2);
if (rolla > rolld) {
david = david - rolla;
} else if (rolla < rolld) {
antonia = antonia - rolld;
} else if (rolla == rolld) {
System.out.println(antonia + david);
3 12 17 // where 3 is rounds and 12 and 17 are values
23 45 // 23 and 45 again as values
12 36 // 12 and 36 again as values
rounds = Integer.parseInt(scan.nextLine());
while (rounds > 0) {
score = scan.nextLine();
rolla = Integer.parseInt(score.split(" ")[0]);
rolld = Integer.parseInt(score.split(" ")[1]);
添加另一件事:score.charAt(0( 将为您提供 ascii 等效项。