Java DecimalFormat在格式化双精度时失去精度


public class Test {
    public static void main(String args[]){
        DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
        Double value = new Double(-1350825904190559999913623552.00);
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        FieldPosition position = new FieldPosition(0);
        format.format(new BigDecimal(value), buffer, position);

这将正确打印-1,350,825,904,190,559,999,913,623,552 。我的代码确实经历了很多双精度,所以我不希望从双精度转换为大十进制。我认为BigDecimal 的处理时间很大。所以我做format.format(value, buffer, position)我看到精度丢失了。我得到的输出是-1,350,825,904,190,560,000,000,000,000.




无限的精度,并且通过将double转换为BigDecimal,您无法获得比double更高的精度(就像当您执行double r = 1/3; 0.0时无法获得更高的精度int,因为它int扩大double)。相反,您可以使用String。类似的东西

DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
String value = "-1350825904190559999913623552.00";
System.out.println(format.format(new BigDecimal(value)));

问题出在输出格式上,特别是默认情况下如何将双精度转换为字符串。每个双精度数都有一个精确的值,但它也是小数部分范围的字符串到双精度转换的结果。在这种情况下,双精度的确切值为 -1350825904190559999913623552,但范围为 [-1350825904190560137352577024,-1350825904190559862474670080]。

双精度到字符串转换从该范围内选取有效数字最少的数字 -1.35082590419056E27。该字符串确实会转换回原始值。

如果您真的想查看确切的值,而不仅仅是足够的数字来唯一标识双精度,那么您当前的 BigDecimal 方法效果很好。


import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Test {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    double value = -1350825904190559999913623552.00;
    /* Get an exact printout of the double by conversion to BigDecimal
     * followed by BigDecimal output. Both those operations are exact.
    BigDecimal bdValue = new BigDecimal(value);
    System.out.println("Exact value: " + bdValue);
    /* Determine whether the range is open or closed. The half way
     * points round to even, so they are included in the range for a number
     * with an even significand, but not for one with an odd significand.
    boolean isEven = (Double.doubleToLongBits(value) & 1) == 0;
    /* Find the lower bound of the range, by taking the mean, in
     * BigDecimal arithmetic for exactness, of the value and the next
     * exactly representable value in the negative infinity direction.
    BigDecimal nextDown = new BigDecimal(Math.nextAfter(value,
    BigDecimal lowerBound = bdValue.add(nextDown).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(2));
    /* Similarly, find the upper bound of the range by going in the
     * positive infinity direction.
    BigDecimal nextUp = new BigDecimal(Math.nextAfter(value,
    BigDecimal upperBound = bdValue.add(nextUp).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(2));
    /* Output the range, with [] if closed, () if open.*/
    System.out.println("Range: " + (isEven ? "[" : "(") + lowerBound + ","
        + upperBound + (isEven ? "]" : ")"));
    /* Output the result of applying Double's toString to the value.*/
    String valueString = Double.toString(value);
    System.out.println("toString result: " + valueString);
    /* And use BigDecimal as above to print the exact value of the result
     * of converting the toString result back again.
    System.out.println("exact value of toString result as double: "
        + new BigDecimal(Double.parseDouble(valueString)));


Exact value: -1350825904190559999913623552
Range: [-1350825904190560137352577024,-1350825904190559862474670080]
toString result: -1.35082590419056E27
exact value of toString result as double: -1350825904190559999913623552


Double value = new Double(-1350825904190559999913623552.00);

double只有大约 15.9 个有效的十进制数字。它不适合。转换浮点文本时,编译时存在精度损失。

不能用Double准确表示 1350825904190559999913623552.00。如果您想知道原因,请浏览本文。

如果你想表示值,我建议使用你在问题中使用的代码:new BigDecimal( value ),其中value实际上是一个String表示。


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