另一个 Scala CanBuildFrom 问题:一个集合扩充运算符,它包装了另一个不同类型的集合

用户Régis Jean-Gilles优雅地回答了我之前的问题,我在CanBuildFrom和扩充函数(又名"皮条客我的库"或"丰富我的库")方面苦苦挣扎:

创建一个隐式函数,用正确的类型将 map() 包装在 Scala 中:不适合胆小的人



implicit class IntersectUnionWithPimp[K, A, Repr](a: GenTraversableLike[(K, A), Repr]) {
* Intersect two collections by their keys. This is identical to
* `intersectWith` except that the combiner function is passed the
* key as well as the two items to combine.
* @param b Other collection to intersect with.
* @param combine Function to combine values from the two collections.
def intersectWithKey[B, R, That](b: GenTraversable[(K, B)])(
combine: (K, A, B) => R)(
implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, (K, R), That]): That = {
* Intersect two collections by their keys. Keep the ordering of
* objects in the first collection. Use a combiner function to
* combine items in common. If either item is a multi-map, then
* for a key seen `n` times in the first collection and `m`
* times in the second collection, it will occur `n * m` times
* in the resulting collection, including all the possible
* combinations of pairs of identical keys in the two collections.
* @param b Other collection to intersect with.
* @param combine Function to combine values from the two collections.
def intersectWith[B, R, That](b: GenTraversable[(K, B)])(
combine: (A, B) => R)(
implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, (K, R), That]): That =
a.intersectWithKey(b){ case (_, x, y) => combine(x, y) }(bf)


implicit class IntersectUnionByPimp[A](a: Traversable[A]) {
* Intersect two collections by their keys, with separate key-selection
* functions for the two collections. This is identical to
* `intersectBy` except that each collection has its own key-selection
* function. This allows the types of the two collections to be
* distinct, with no common parent.
* @param b Other collection to intersect with.
* @param key1fn Function to select the comparison key for the first
*   collection.
* @param key1fn Function to select the comparison key for the first
*   collection.
* @param combine Function to combine values from the two collections.
def intersectBy2[K, B, R](b: Traversable[B])(key1fn: A => K
)(key2fn: B => K)(combine: (A, B) => R): Traversable[R] = {
val keyed_a = a.map { x => (key1fn(x), x) }
val keyed_b = b.map { x => (key2fn(x), x) }
* Intersect two collections by their keys. Keep the ordering of
* objects in the first collection. Use a combiner function to
* combine items in common. If either item is a multi-map, then
* for a key seen `n` times in the first collection and `m`
* times in the second collection, it will occur `n * m` times
* in the resulting collection, including all the possible
* combinations of pairs of identical keys in the two collections.
* @param b Other collection to intersect with.
* @param keyfn Function to select the comparison key.
* @param combine Function to combine values from the two collections.
def intersectBy[K, B >: A](b: Traversable[B])(keyfn: B => K)(
combine: (A, B) => B): Traversable[B] = {
val keyed_a = a.map { x => (keyfn(x), x) }
val keyed_b = b.map { x => (keyfn(x), x) }


implicit class IntersectUnionByPimp[A, Repr](a: GenTraversableLike[A, Repr]) {
def intersectBy2[K, B, R, That](b: Traversable[B])(key1fn: A => K)(
key2fn: B => K)(combine: (A, B) => R)(
implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, R, That]): That = {
// FIXME! How to make this work while calling `map`?
// val keyed_a = a.map { x => (key1fn(x), x) }
val keyed_a = mutable.Buffer[(K, A)]()
a.foreach { x => keyed_a += ((key1fn(x), x)) }
val keyed_b = b.map { x => (key2fn(x), x) }
def intersectBy[K, B >: A, That](b: Traversable[B])(keyfn: B => K)(
combine: (A, B) => B)(
implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That = {
// FIXME! How to make this work while calling `map`?
// val keyed_a = a.map { x => (keyfn(x), x) }
val keyed_a = mutable.Buffer[(K, A)]()
a.foreach { x => keyed_a += ((keyfn(x), x)) }
val keyed_b = b.map { x => (keyfn(x), x) }


[error] /Users/benwing/devel/textgrounder/src/main/scala/opennlp/textgrounder/util/collection.scala:1018: type mismatch;
[error]  found   : scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[R]
[error]  required: That
[error]  Note: implicit method bufferToIndexedSeq is not applicable here because it comes after the application point and it lacks an explicit result type
[error]       keyed_a.intersectWith(keyed_b)(combine).map(_._2)
[error]                                                  ^


  1. 如何在GenTraversableLike上调用map
  2. 如何使调用intersectWith正常工作?我知道我必须根据我收到的CanBuildFrom以某种方式传递一个,我知道关于 Builders 的mapResult,但我不确定在这里做什么,或者这是否可能。


scala> List(4.5,2.3,4.2).intersectBy(List(4.6,4.8))(_.toInt){ case (a,b) => (a - b).abs }
res2: Traversable[Double] = List(0.09999999999999964, 0.2999999999999998, 0.39999999999999947, 0.5999999999999996)




implicit class IntersectUnionByPimp[A, Repr](a: GenTraversableLike[A, Repr]) {
* Intersect two collections by their keys, with separate key-selection
* functions for the two collections. This is identical to
* `intersectBy` except that each collection has its own key-selection
* function. This allows the types of the two collections to be
* distinct, with no common parent.
* @param b Other collection to intersect with.
* @param key1fn Function to select the comparison key for the first
*   collection.
* @param key2fn Function to select the comparison key for the first
*   collection.
* @param combine Function to combine values from the two collections.
def intersectBy2[K, B, R, That](b: GenTraversable[B])(key1fn: A => K)(
key2fn: B => K)(combine: (A, B) => R)(
implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, R, That]): That = {
// It appears we can't call map() on `a`.
val keyed_a = mutable.Buffer[(K, A)]()
a.foreach { x => keyed_a += ((key1fn(x), x)) }
val keyed_b = b.map { x => (key2fn(x), x) }
// Nor can we return the value of map() here. Need to use a builder
// instead.
val bu = bf()
for ((_, r) <- keyed_a.intersectWith(keyed_b)(combine))
bu += r
* Intersect two collections by their keys. Keep the ordering of
* objects in the first collection. Use a combiner function to
* combine items in common. If either item is a multi-map, then
* for a key seen `n` times in the first collection and `m`
* times in the second collection, it will occur `n * m` times
* in the resulting collection, including all the possible
* combinations of pairs of identical keys in the two collections.
* @param b Other collection to intersect with.
* @param keyfn Function to select the comparison key.
* @param combine Function to combine values from the two collections.
def intersectBy[K, B >: A, That](b: GenTraversable[B])(keyfn: B => K)(
combine: (A, B) => B)(
implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That = {
val keyed_a = mutable.Buffer[(K, A)]()
a.foreach { x => keyed_a += ((keyfn(x), x)) }
val keyed_b = b.map { x => (keyfn(x), x) }
val bu = bf()
for ((_, r) <- keyed_a.intersectWith(keyed_b)(combine))
bu += r

