

                    var password = prompt("What is the password? Just give up by typing end, you won't find it, heheeh.")
                    if(password == "I11I1II1I"){
                        window.alert("Ok, ahha, so fun, going to the code, and searching for the password, yes yes yes good job, you won, yey")    
                    else if(password == "end"){
                        window.alert("Bye Bye, ehhe.")    
                        window.alert("I don't know how you found me, but hey, you won't find the password, eehhehe.")
                while((password == "") || (password != "I11I1II1I") || (password != "end"))

当逻辑错误时,您应该在密码""(password != "I11I1II1I" && password != "end")时提示

                password = prompt("What is the password? Just give up by typing end, you won't find it, heheeh.")
                if(password == "I11I1II1I"){
                    window.alert("Ok, ahha, so fun, going to the code, and searching for the password, yes yes yes good job, you won, yey") ;   
                else if(password == "end"){
                    window.alert("Bye Bye, ehhe.")  ;
                    window.alert("I don't know how you found me, but hey, you won't find the password, eehhehe.");
            while((password == "") || (password != "I11I1II1I" && password != "end"))

您可以使用break (

while(true) {
    var password = prompt("What is the password? Just give up by typing end, you won't find it, heheeh.")
    if(password == "" || password == null) {
          // No password, just break or do something else
    if(password === "I11I1II1I") {
          window.alert("Ok, ahha, so fun, going to the code, and searching for the password, yes yes yes good job, you won, yey");
    else if(password === "end") {
          window.alert("Bye Bye, ehhe.");    
    else {
          window.alert("I don't know how you found me, but hey, you won't find the password, eehhehe.")
