循环多次打印 GC 百分比


print("Enter With Z to finish")
while True:
    sequence_dna = input("Enter with sequence:")
    print("DNA Sequence:tt",sequence_dna)
    dna = sequence_dna
    DNA = dna.upper()
    DNAlist = list(DNA)
    CountC = sequence_dna.count("C")
    CountG = sequence_dna.count("G")
    GC = (100*(CountC+CountG)/float(len(dna)))
    print("the percentage of GC is: %.2f"%GC)



In DNA Sequence(0)
Out percentage of DNA Sequence(0)
enter code here
In DNA Sequence(1)
Out percentage of DNA Sequence(1)
enter code
In DNA Sequence(2)
Out percentage of DNA Sequence(2)
   the DNA Sequence(1) have the highest percentage of GC`s


from operator import itemgetter    
print("Enter With 'z' to finish") #must be lowercase 'z'
dna_list = []
while True:
    sequence_dna = input("Enter DNA sequence: ")
    print("DNA Sequence:tt",sequence_dna)
    dna = sequence_dna
    DNA = dna.upper()
    if sequence_dna == 'z':
gc_percentages = []
for sequence in dna_list[:-1]: # Takes all elements of the list except for the empty entry in the last position.
    CountC = sequence.count("C")
    CountG = sequence.count("G")
    GC = str((((CountC + CountG)/len(sequence)) * 100)) + '%'
    print("The percentage of GC content for the sequence in list position %s is: %s"%(dna_list.index(sequence), GC))
    gc_percentages.append((sequence, (((CountC + CountG)/len(sequence)) * 100) ))

sorted_gc_scores = sorted(gc_percentages, key= itemgetter(1), reverse= True)
print ("nThe sequence with the highest GC percentage of %s is:n%s" %(str(sorted_gc_scores[0][1]) + '%', sorted_gc_scores[0][0]))

代码运行后,您可以参考dna_list中哪个序列的 GC 百分比最高。
