

CREATE TABLE recordhistory ( userid bigint, objectid bigint, operation text, record_link_id bigint, time timestamp, username text, value map<bigint, text>, PRIMARY KEY ((userid, objectid), operation, record_link_id, time) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (operation ASC, record_link_id ASC, time DESC)


SELECT * FROM recordhistory WHERE userid=439035 AND objectid=20011009 AND operation='update' AND time>=1389205800000 AND time<=1402338600000 ALLOW FILTERING;

错误的请求:PRIMARY KEY列"时间"不能被限制(前面的列"record_link_id"要么不受限制,要么受到非EQ关系的限制)

SELECT * FROM recordhistory WHERE userid=439035 AND objectid=20011009 AND record_link_id=20011063 ALLOW FILTERING;

错误的请求:PRIMARY KEY列"record_link_id"不能被限制(前一列"operation"要么不受限制,要么受非EQ关系限制)

create table recordhistory (
userid bigint,
objectid bigint,
operation text,
record_link_id bigint,
time timestamp,
username text,
value map<bigint, text>,
PRIMARY KEY ((userid, objectid), time, operation, record_link_id)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (time DESC, operation ASC, record_link_id ASC);
select * from recordhistory where userid=12346 AND objectid=45646 and time >=1389205800000 and time <1402338700000 ALLOW FILTERING;
 userid | objectid | time                     | operation | record_link_id | username | value
  12346 |    45646 | 2014-06-09 11:30:00-0700 |     myop4 |          78946 |    name3 |  null
  12346 |    45646 | 2014-01-08 10:30:00-0800 | myop99999 |         999999 |    name3 |  null
