
两个相当大的数据帧df1df2有许多带有浮点值的列。对于 df1df2 中的相同索引名和列名,分别使用以下操作创建两个新的数据帧simple_ret_dflog_ret_df

  1. (1 - df1 / df2) . 假设这个新数据帧simple_ret_df
  2. ln(df1 / df2) . 假设这个新数据帧log_ret_df

如果数据帧 df1df2 中的任何条目缺少 \ nan \ 0则计算数据帧中的相应条目应nan。可以生成示例数据帧df1df2

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame(10*(2+np.random.randn(500, 3)), columns=list('ABC'))
df2 = pd.DataFrame(10*(2+np.random.randn(500, 3)), columns=list('CDA'))
df1.drop(df1.index[[1, 4, 284, 354, 498]], inplace=True)
df2.drop(df2.index[[0, 98, 159]], inplace=True)
df1.loc[2, 'B'] = np.nan
df1.loc[5, 'C'] = np.nan
df1.loc[3, 'A'] = np.nan
df2.loc[5, 'C'] = np.nan
df2.loc[1, 'D'] = np.nan
df2.loc[2, 'A'] = np.nan


      A     B     C 
0  14.0  31.3  35.5
2  24.2   NaN  27.6
3   NaN  13.1  16.0
5  28.2   8.8   NaN
6  17.7  18.0   7.9
      C     D     A
1  15.1   NaN  27.0
2  20.9  29.4   NaN
3  27.8  29.7  22.9
4  19.0  13.5  21.0
5   NaN  21.4  12.0


          A    B        C     D
0       NaN  NaN      NaN   NaN
1       NaN  NaN      NaN   NaN
2       NaN  NaN  -0.3206   NaN
3       NaN  NaN   0.4245   NaN
4       NaN  NaN      NaN   NaN
5   -0.4750  NaN      NaN   NaN
          A    B        C     D
0       NaN  NaN      NaN   NaN
1       NaN  NaN      NaN   NaN
2       NaN  NaN   0.2781   NaN
3       NaN  NaN  -0.5524   NaN
4       NaN  NaN      NaN   NaN
5    0.3887  NaN      NaN   NaN

我在评论中回答了我的问题。这是为您提供的解决方案。我在 Python3 上制作了它,您的标签是 python 2,因此您可能需要更改一些代码。


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame(10*(2+np.random.randn(500, 3)), columns=list('ABC'))
df2 = pd.DataFrame(10*(2+np.random.randn(500, 3)), columns=list('CDA'))
df1.drop(df1.index[[1, 4, 284, 354, 498]], inplace=True)
df2.drop(df2.index[[0, 98, 159]], inplace=True)
df1.loc[2, 'B'] = np.nan
df1.loc[5, 'C'] = np.nan
df1.loc[3, 'A'] = np.nan
df2.loc[5, 'C'] = np.nan
df2.loc[1, 'D'] = np.nan
df2.loc[2, 'A'] = np.nan
    A   B   C
0   20.438695   18.114421   20.445370
2   12.789906   NaN 3.988319
3   NaN 11.026463   9.421921
5   19.919580   7.462012    NaN
6   21.290647   23.952295   -10.354758
7   8.447708    14.710224   25.499204
8   16.603850   24.862611   20.354342
9   6.088232    15.066117   22.906491
10  19.621493   15.877428   15.149765
11  2.052592    9.031476    19.531663
C   D   A
1   15.159127   NaN 29.432163
2   23.449304   8.393440    NaN
3   6.057011    32.881258   21.033391
4   31.162671   4.128745    23.264304
5   NaN 32.796018   11.171984
6   32.019817   14.603303   33.106655
7   17.566806   26.804403   12.421421
8   30.121336   46.520462   41.934098
9   13.498463   30.170049   24.221281
10  19.554489   28.238385   26.284620

    # Merge the dataframes
merged_df = df1.merge(df2, right_index = True, left_index = True, how = 'outer')
# Create dataframes for each formula
final_df1 = pd.DataFrame(index = merged_df.index) # for this (1 - df1 / df2)
final_df2 = pd.DataFrame(index = merged_df.index) # for this ln(df1 / df2)
for column in merged_df.columns:
    # Get initial letter from the column names
    i = column[0]
    # filter only the columns that start with the same letter
    df_test = merged_df[merged_df.columns[merged_df.columns.str.startswith(i)]]
    #If only one column, add that to the dataframes
    if df_test.shape[1] == 1:
        final_df1 = final_df1.merge(df_test, right_index = True, left_index = True, how = 'outer')
        final_df2 = final_df2.merge(df_test, right_index = True, left_index = True, how = 'outer')
    #If two columns do the calculations
        final_df1.loc[:,i] = np.where((df_test[df_test.columns[0]].isnull())|(df_test[df_test.columns[1]].isnull()), 
        np.nan,  (1- df_test[df_test.columns[0]]) / df_test[df_test.columns[1]])
        final_df2.loc[:,i] = np.where((df_test[df_test.columns[0]].isnull())|(df_test[df_test.columns[1]].isnull()), 
        np.nan,  np.log(df_test[df_test.columns[0]] / df_test[df_test.columns[1]]))
#Adjust the names of the columns
final_df1.columns = final_df1.columns.str[0]
final_df2.columns = final_df2.columns.str[0]
print(final_df1.head(10), final_df2.head(10))


           A          B         C          D
0       NaN  18.114421       NaN        NaN
1       NaN        NaN       NaN        NaN
2       NaN        NaN -0.127437   8.393440
3       NaN  11.026463 -1.390442  32.881258
4       NaN        NaN       NaN   4.128745
5 -1.693484   7.462012       NaN  32.796018 
           A          B         C          D
0       NaN  18.114421       NaN        NaN
1       NaN        NaN       NaN        NaN
2       NaN        NaN -1.771471   8.393440
3       NaN  11.026463  0.441823  32.881258
4       NaN        NaN       NaN   4.128745
5  0.578294   7.462012       NaN  32.796018
simple_ret_df = df1.combine(df2, lambda s1, s2: 1-s1/s2)
log_ret_df = df1.combine(df2, lambda s1, s2: np.log(s1/s2))
