

namespace App.Authentication
    /// <summary>
    /// Helper extension methods for checking role membership.  
    /// </summary>
    public static class ClaimsPrincipalExtensions
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if user has the System Administrator role.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="principal"></param>
        /// <returns>bool</returns>
        public static bool IsSysAdmin(this ClaimsPrincipal principal)
            return principal != null && 
                       principal.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.GroupSid, SystemGroups.SysAdmin) 
                    || principal.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, SystemRoles.SysAdmin)
        public static bool IsManager(this ClaimsPrincipal principal)
            return principal != null && 
                       principal.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.GroupSid, SystemGroups.Manager) 
                    || principal.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, SystemRoles.Manager)
        public static bool CanManageWorkersAcrossBranches(this ClaimsPrincipal principal)
            return principal != null && principal.IsSysAdmin() || principal.IsManager();
namespace App.Authentication
    public class SystemGroups
        public const string Manager = "Manager";
        public const string SysAdmin = "SysAdmin";
        // SysAdmin is tacked on to all role combinations as that role is granted access to all parts of the application
        public const string CanManageWorkersAcrossBranches = "Manager, SysAdmin";
    public class SystemRoles
        public const string Manager = @"DOMAINManager";
        public const string SysAdmin = @"DOMAINSysAdmin";
        // SysAdmin is tacked on to all role combinations as that role is granted access to all parts of the application
        public const string CanManageWorkersAcrossBranches = @"DOMAINManager, DOMAINSysAdmin";


    public async Task<IEnumerable<WorkerProfileListViewModel>> GetWorkerProfile()
        var profiles = this._profileService.AllWorkerProfiles(activeOnly: false);
        // If a user cannot view workers across branches, then filter the data down to their branch only.
        // This returns `false` when it should return `true`
        if (!User.CanManageWorkersAcrossBranches())
            var currentWorker = await this._workerService.GetCurrentWorkerAsync(User);
            profiles = profiles.Where(p => p.BranchCode == currentWorker.BranchCode);
        return profiles.Select(wp => new WorkerProfileListViewModel(wp));

弄清楚了问题。使用principal.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, SystemRoles.SysAdmin)是由于索赔作为值而不是用于配置AD用户组的人类名称的失败,该名称与SystemRoles静态类中使用的值相同的值。

principal.IsInRole(SystemRoles.SysAdmin)替换principal.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, SystemRoles.SysAdmin)的Dev Env都可以使用ClaimsTransformer,以及在没有变压器的部署ENV中使用的,并且使用各种用户组/角色配置了实际的用户帐户。
