
import XCTest
class LoginUITest: XCTestCase {
    let app = XCUIApplication()
    override func setUp() {
        // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
        // In UI tests it is usually best to stop immediately when a failure occurs.
        continueAfterFailure = false
        // UI tests must launch the application that they test. Doing this in setup will make sure it happens for each test method.
        // In UI tests it’s important to set the initial state - such as interface orientation - required for your tests before they run. The setUp method is a good place to do this.
    override func tearDown() {
        // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
    func testExample() {
        app.buttons["Login – Button" ].tap()
        XCTAssertTrue(app.alerts["Login – Button"].exists)





您在这里有错误 XCTAssertTrue(app.alerts["Login – Button"].exists)

app.alerts更改为app.buttons,并确保您的按钮具有标题Login – Button。您可以为按钮创建identifierbutton.identifier),然后使用它:app.buttons[YOUR_INDENTIFIER]
