




    var food_name = $('#food_name').val();
    var cal = food_name.Cal;  // This should be the cal value from initial list above
    newFood = new My_list(food_name,100,cal,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,5); // values are test values apart from variable cal and food_name


$(document).ready(function() {
   // carrot = {name:'Carrot', cal:41, A:334, B6:5, B12:9, C:9, D:0, calcium:3, Iron:1, mag:3};
  Carrot = new food('Carrot',41,334,5,0,9,0,3,1,3);
  butternut_squash = new food('Butternut Squash',45,212,10,0,35,0,4,3,8);
  Apple = new food('Apple',52,1,0,0,7,0,0,0,1);
  function food(Name, Cal, A, B6, B12, C, D, Calcium, Iron, Mag){
    this.Name = Name;
    this.Weight = 100;
    this.Cal = Cal;
    this.A = A;
    thidd_B6 = B6;
    this.B12 = B12;
    this.C = C;
    this.D = D;
    this.Calcium = Calcium;
    this.Iron = Iron;
    this.Mag = Mag;
// create the main table of all the items
    var newRow = "<tr><td>"+this.Name+"</td><td>"+this.Cal+"</td><td>"+this.A+"</td><td>"+this.B6+"</td><td>"+this.B12+"</td><td>"+this.C+"</td><td>"+this.D+"</td><td>"+this.Calcium+"</td><td>"+this.Iron+"</td><td>"+this.Mag+"</td></tr>";
// Auto Fill function
  $( function(){
    var foodList = ["Carrot", "Apple", "Butternut Squash"];
      source: foodList
// Add new item to USERS list
    var food_name = $('#food_name').val();
    var cal = food_name.Cal;  // This should be the cal value from initial list above
    newFood = new My_list(food_name,100,cal,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,5); // values are test values apart from variable cal and food_name
  function My_list(Name, Weight, Cal, A, B6, B12, C, D, Calcium, Iron, Mag){
    this.Name = Name;
    this.Weight = Weight;
    this.Cal = Cal;
    this.A = A;
    this.B6 = B6;
    this.B12 = B12;
    this.C = C;
    this.D = D;
    this.Calcium = Calcium;
    this.Iron = Iron;
    this.Mag = Mag;
    var newRow = "<tr><td>"+this.Name+"</td><td>"+this.Cal+"</td><td>"+this.A+"</td><td>"+this.B6+"</td><td>"+this.B12+"</td><td>"+this.C+"</td><td>"+this.D+"</td><td>"+this.Calcium+"</td><td>"+this.Iron+"</td><td>"+this.Mag+"</td></tr>";
  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js">  </script>
  <script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js"></script>
  <script src=foodList.js></script>
  <!--Add food box with auto fill function-->
  <div align="right">
    <button type=button id="add_food">Add Food</button>
    <input type=text id="food_name"/>
  <table id="my_list">
  <table id="food_list">


// create an empty object to hold the food objects - do this outside document.ready
var foods = {};
$(document).ready(function() {
    // create the food objects
    foods["Carrot"] = new food('Carrot',41,334,5,0,9,0,3,1,3);
    foods["Butternut Squash"] = new food('Butternut Squash',45,212,10,0,35,0,4,3,8);
    foods["Apple"] = new food('Apple',52,1,0,0,7,0,0,0,1);
    // etc..


var food_name = $('#food_name').val();
var food = foods[food_name];
var cal = food.Cal;


    source: Object.keys(foods)

如果您这样做,则在创建它们时,食物名称将自动添加到自动填充列表中 - 不需要同时进行。


$(document).ready(function() {
   // carrot = {name:'Carrot', cal:41, A:334, B6:5, B12:9, C:9, D:0, calcium:3, Iron:1, mag:3};
  Carrot = new food('Carrot',41,334,5,0,9,0,3,1,3);
  butternut_squash = new food('Butternut Squash',45,212,10,0,35,0,4,3,8);
  Apple = new food('Apple',52,1,0,0,7,0,0,0,1);
  var FOOD_LIST = {'Carrot': Carrot, 'Apple': Apple, 'Butternut Squash': butternut_squash};
  function food(Name, Cal, A, B6, B12, C, D, Calcium, Iron, Mag){
    this.Name = Name;
    this.Weight = 100;
    this.Cal = Cal;
    this.A = A;
    thidd_B6 = B6;
    this.B12 = B12;
    this.C = C;
    this.D = D;
    this.Calcium = Calcium;
    this.Iron = Iron;
    this.Mag = Mag;
// create the main table of all the items
    var newRow = "<tr><td>"+this.Name+"</td><td>"+this.Cal+"</td><td>"+this.A+"</td><td>"+this.B6+"</td><td>"+this.B12+"</td><td>"+this.C+"</td><td>"+this.D+"</td><td>"+this.Calcium+"</td><td>"+this.Iron+"</td><td>"+this.Mag+"</td></tr>";
// Auto Fill function
  $( function(){
    var foodList = ["Carrot", "Apple", "Butternut Squash"];
      source: foodList
// Add new item to USERS list
    var food_name = $('#food_name').val();
    var cal = FOOD_LIST[food_name].Cal;  // This should be the cal value from initial list above
    newFood = new My_list(food_name,100,cal,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,5); // values are test values apart from variable cal and food_name
  function My_list(Name, Weight, Cal, A, B6, B12, C, D, Calcium, Iron, Mag){
    this.Name = Name;
    this.Weight = Weight;
    this.Cal = Cal;
    this.A = A;
    this.B6 = B6;
    this.B12 = B12;
    this.C = C;
    this.D = D;
    this.Calcium = Calcium;
    this.Iron = Iron;
    this.Mag = Mag;
    var newRow = "<tr><td>"+this.Name+"</td><td>"+this.Cal+"</td><td>"+this.A+"</td><td>"+this.B6+"</td><td>"+this.B12+"</td><td>"+this.C+"</td><td>"+this.D+"</td><td>"+this.Calcium+"</td><td>"+this.Iron+"</td><td>"+this.Mag+"</td></tr>";
  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js">  </script>
  <script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js"></script>
  <script src=foodList.js></script>
  <!--Add food box with auto fill function-->
  <div align="right">
    <button type=button id="add_food">Add Food</button>
    <input type=text id="food_name"/>
  <table id="my_list">
  <table id="food_list">


      source: foodList,
      select: function(event, ui) { -------> Select function for autocomplete widget
        console.log('Food: ', ui)
        // Getter for the food object that 


var foodGetter = function(food) {
  // Get food row. Without food object, can't really help here but it should be a case of returning an array of the values associated with that food
  foodObj = {carrot: [weight, calories, ...], butternut_squash: [...]}
  return foodObj[food]

