如何在 C# 中从字节和半字节构建字节数组


string[] content = {"0x1", "5", "0x8", "7", "0x66"};



如果所有项目都应该是十六进制的,LinqConvert 就足够了:

string[] content = {"0x1", "5", "0x8", "7", "0x66"};
byte[] result = content
  .Select(item => Convert.ToByte(item, 16))

如果 "5""7" 应该是十进制的(因为它们不是从 0x 开始的(,我们必须添加一个条件:

byte[] result = content
  .Select(item => Convert.ToByte(item, item.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
    ? 16
    : 10))


private static byte[] Nibbles(IEnumerable<string> data) {
  List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
  bool head = true;
  foreach (var item in data) {
    byte value = item.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
      ? Convert.ToByte(item, 16)
      : Convert.ToByte(item, 10);
    // Do we have a nibble? 
    // 0xDigit (Length = 3) or Digit (Length = 1) are supposed to be nibble
    if (item.Length == 3 || item.Length == 1) { // Nibble
      if (head)                                 // Head
        list.Add(Convert.ToByte(item, 16));
      else                                      // Tail
        list[list.Count - 1] = (byte)(list[list.Count - 1] * 16 + value);
      head = !head;
    else { // Entire byte
      head = true;
  return list.ToArray();
string[] content = { "0x1", "5", "0x8", "7", "0x66" };
Console.Write(string.Join(", ", Nibbles(content)
  .Select(item => $"0x{item:x2}").ToArray()));


// "0x1", "5" are combined into 0x15
// "0x8", "7" are combined into 0x87
// "0x66"  is treated as a byte 0x66
0x15, 0x87, 0x66

您可以使用 Zip 方法将源与同一源偏移量合并 1。

string[] source = { "0x1", "5", "0x8", "7", "0x66" };
var offsetSource = source.Skip(1).Concat(new string[] { "" });
var bytes = source
.Zip(offsetSource, (s1, s2) => s1 + s2)
.Where(s => s.Length == 4 && s.StartsWith("0x"))
.Select(s => Convert.ToByte(s, 16))
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(", ", bytes)); // Output: 21, 135, 102
