从 Oracle 中的每个给定当前日期滚动超过 7 个日历日期


calendar_date Date_Key  RowN 
03-OCT-21     20211003  1
03-OCT-21     20211003  2
03-OCT-21     20211003  3
04-OCT-21     20211004  4
07-OCT-21     20211007  5
07-OCT-21     20211007  6
09-OCT-21     20211009  7
10-OCT-21     20211010  8
13-OCT-21     20211013  9
13-OCT-21     20211013  10
13-OCT-21     20211013  11
15-OCT-21     20211015  12
17-OCT-21     20211017  13

需要:从每个给定的当前日期滚动超过 7 个日历日期


select z.calendar_date,z.date_key,ceil(z.rown/7) as Grp from
(select b.calendar_date,b.date_key ,rownum as RowN
from Samp.cal_date_dim a, Samp.cal_date_dim b
where b.date_key-a.date_key>0 and b.date_key-a.date_key<=6)z

代码选择说明:如果从 03 10 月开始,则从 10 月 3 日 - 10 月 9 日 -> 组 1 开始。如果从 04 10 月开始,则从 10 月 4 日 - 10 月 10 日 -> 组 2


calendar_date  Grp  
03-OCT-21      1    
03-OCT-21      1    
03-OCT-21      1    
04-OCT-21      1    
07-OCT-21      1  
07-OCT-21      1  
09-OCT-21      1
04-OCT-21      2    
07-OCT-21      2  
07-OCT-21      2  
09-OCT-21      2
10-OCT-21      2
07-OCT-21      3
07-OCT-21      3
09-OCT-21      3
10-OCT-21      3
13-OCT-21      3
13-OCT-21      3
13-OCT-21      3


select dd.*, cd.seqnum as grp
from (select calendar_date, Date_Key,
dense_rank() over (order by calendar_date) as seqnum
from Samp.cal_date_dim
group by calendar_date, Date_Key
) cd join
Samp.cal_date_dim dd
on dd.calendar_date >= cd.calendar_date and
dd.calendar_date < cd.calendar_date + interval '7' day;
