C语言 面试问题:包含相等数量的两个整数的最长前缀

我试图在技术面试的在线评估中解决以下问题,但失败了。 我已经思考这个问题一段时间了,似乎找不到让我满意的答案:

您正在寻找数组 A 的最长前导片段(前缀(,其中 X 和 Y 的出现次数相等,其中 X 和 Y 是整数。

例如,在 X=7 和 Y=42 中,A=[6, 42, 11, 7, 1, 42] 的最长前缀为 4,因为 A[0]-A[4] 包含相同数量的 X 和 Y。

另一个例子,X=6 和 Y=13。 A=[13,13,1,6]。 该函数应返回 -1,因为没有前缀。

X=100、Y=63 和 A=[100,63,1,6,2,13] 应返回 5。

我尝试用 C 语言回答:

int solution(int X, int Y, int A[], int N){
int result=-1;
int nX=0; //number of occurrences of X
int nY=0; //number of occurrences of Y
int i;
for(i=0;i<N;i++){//loop through the input array
if(A[i]==X)//occurrence of X
nX += 1;
EDGE CASE BELOW: this should have been an if 
statement, because X and Y could be the same 
number.  I know I missed this in the assessment, 
but believe there is another issue, because I 
failed almost all the test cases generated by the 
else if(A[i]==Y)//occurrence of Y 
nY += 1;
if((nX!=0)&& (nX==nY))//same number of X and Y 
//and there is at least one occurence of each
result=i;//longest prefix is the index
return result;


我知道,每次失败时,我的程序都会返回 -1 而不是正确答案。

如果你们中的任何人通过思考就能看到错误,我很想看看我错过了什么。 谢谢!



if((nX!=0)&& (nX==nY))//same number of X and Y 
//and there is at least one occurence of each
result=i;//longest prefix is the index


if(nX==nY)//same number of X and Y 
result=i;//longest prefix is the index

没有检查nX!=0.因此,如果X没有出现在数组中和/或Y没有出现在数组中,则代码会不必要地返回 −1。

此外,这些需求似乎并不能保证XY是不同的;如果不是,那么你的代码返回 −1,但根据需求的字面解读,答案将是N−1。



对于 Y 的出现,您必须将"else if"条件替换为"if"条件,如下面的代码所示:

nX += 1;
if(A[i]==Y)  //occurrence of Y 
nY += 1;

因为,如果"X"和"Y"具有相同的值,并且只计算"nX",则"nY"被忽略为"else if"条件。要解决这种情况,您必须将"else if"条件替换为"if"条件。






int solution(int X, int Y, int A[], int N);




第三,数组应该是函数的第一个参数,并且应该具有限定符 const。


该函数可以按照演示程序中显示的方式进行声明。如果没有这样的前缀,该函数返回 0。如果没有前缀 ot 到 ( size_t ( -1,您可以根据需要将返回值更改为数组的大小。

#include <stdio.h>
size_t largest_balanced_seq( const int a[], size_t n, int x, int y )
size_t last_index = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0, x_count = 0, y_count = 0; i < n; i++ )
x_count += a[i] == x;
y_count += a[i] == y;
if ( x_count != 0 && x_count == y_count )
last_index = i;
return last_index;
int main(void) 
int a[] = { 6, 42, 11, 7, 1, 42 };
printf( "%zun", largest_balanced_seq( a, sizeof( a ) / sizeof( *a ), 7, 42 ) );
int b[] = { 100, 63, 1, 6, 2, 13 };
printf( "%zun", largest_balanced_seq( b, sizeof( b ) / sizeof( *b ), 100, 63 ) );
return 0;



考虑到当函数返回子序列的长度时,即当它指定像[0, N)这样的范围时,它会好得多。例如,这种方法在整个C++中使用。所以谁给你这个任务不是一个很高的资格:)

int solution(int X, int Y, int A[], int N){
int result=-1;
int nX=0; //number of occurrences of X
int nY=0; //number of occurrences of Y
int i;
for(i=0;i<N;i++){//loop through the input array
if(A[i]==X)//occurrence of X
nX += 1;
EDGE CASE BELOW: this should have been an if 
statement, because X and Y could be the same 
number.  I know I missed this in the assessment, 
but believe there is another issue, because I 
failed almost all the test cases generated by the 
else if(A[i]==Y)//occurrence of Y 
nY += 1;
if((nX!=0)&& (nX==nY))//same number of X and Y 
//and there is at least one occurence of each
result=i;//longest prefix is the index
if (X==Y)
result =i;
}---this two lines of code is needed for the code correction

return result;
def solution(X, Y, A):
N = len(A)
result = -1
nX = 0
nY = 0
for i in range(N):
if A[i] == X:
nX += 1
if A[i] == Y:
nY += 1
if nX == nY:
result = i
if (X == Y and nX != 0):
return result
print( solution(7, 42, [6, 42, 11, 7, 1, 42]) )
print( solution(6, 13, [13, 13, 1, 6]) )
print( solution(100, 63, [100, 63, 1, 6, 2, 13]) )
print( solution(1, 1, [1]) )
print( solution(1, 1, [1, 1, 1]) )
print( solution(1, 1, [1, 2, 1]) )
print( solution(1, 1, [2, 2, 1]) )
print( solution(1, 1, [2, 1, 2]) )
def solution(X, Y, A):
N = len(A)
result = -1
nX = 0
nY = 0
for i in range(N):
if X==Y:
if A[i]==X:
nX += 1
if nX%2==0:
if A[i] == X:
nX += 1
elif A[i] == Y:
nY += 1
if nX == nY:
result = i
return result
print( solution(7, 42, [6, 42, 11, 7, 1, 42]))
print( solution(6, 13, [13, 13, 1, 6]) )
print( solution(100, 63, [100, 63, 1, 6, 2, 13]) )
print( solution(1, 1, [1]) )
print( solution(1, 1, [1, 1, 1]) )


int solution(int X, int Y, int[] A) {
int N = A.length;
int result = -1;
int nX = 0;
int nY = 0;
if (X != Y) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (A[i] == X)
nX += 1;
else if (A[i] == Y)
nY += 1;
if (nX == nY)
result = i;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (A[i] == X){
nX += 1;
if(nX % 2 == 1 && nX > 1)
result = i - 1;
if (nX % 2 == 0)
result = N - 1;
return result;
