C语言 调试链表





/* list_insertn: create a new node and insert it at the <n>th position,
    where the head is at position 1
   - node*: a pointer to the head of a linked list
   - char*: data to be stored in the new node
   - int: the position in which to insert the new node
   Return: a pointer to the head of the linked list */
node* list_insertn(node* list, char* input, int n){
    // Base case
    if(n <= 1){
        // Create the new node and allocate memory for it
        node *newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct s_node));
        // Insert new node
        newNode->next = list;
        // Allocate enough memory for the data input
        newNode->data = malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(input) +1));
        // Place data in the node
        strcpy(newNode->data, input);
        return newNode;
    //If we exceed list length append at the end
    if(list->next == NULL){
        list->next = list_insert_tail(NULL, input);
    // Advance through the list if not at the specified position
    list->next = list_insertn(list->next, input, n-1);
    return list;
/* list_remove: remove the node containing specific data; if multiple nodes
    contain the data, remove the node nearest to the head
   - node*: a pointer to the head of a linked list
   - char*: data that, if found in one of the nodes in the list, indicates
      the node to remove (in the case of multiple nodes containing the data,
      remove the node nearest to the head)
   Return: a pointer to the head of the linked list */
node* list_remove(node* list, char* input){
    //As long as we have elemnts
    if(list != NULL){
        // We check to see if they have the same data
        if(list->data == input){
            // We remove the link
            node *newNextNode = list->next;
            // Remove the data
            // An remove the node itself when done
            return newNextNode;
            //If it's not the correct data we move forward through the list
            // And check following nodes recursively
            list->next = list_remove(list->next, input);
            return list;
        // But if we reach the end of the list
        // We print a warning message
        printf("Specified data does not exist in any of the nodes");
        return NULL;


我已经为您调试了这个。 修复:

  1. list_insertn 中,将"If we exceed list length append at the end"注释后面的整个 if 语句替换为:

    if(list == NULL){
        return list_insert_tail(list, input);
  2. list_remove 中,将"We check to see if they have the same data"注释后面的测试替换为:

    if(strcmp(list->data, input) == 0){
  3. 作为一般清理,将所有\n实例修复为仅n,并将任何缺少的n字符添加到需要它们的各种printf格式字符串的末尾。


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